Live Mike
What is a False Flag Psyop? “I served in the IDF 25 years ago in the intelligence forces.. there’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming…Something is very wrong here”
Take a look at the date this very courageous woman dared to reveal these truths! God bless her.
Live Mike
@Fr Gordon J MacRae "No one has ever explained why the most heavily surveilled border in the world - between Gaza and Israel - couldn't detect 40, 50, 100 guys on paragliders - when they are able to detect a bird that crosses that border... and yet these guys were somehow able to land in Israel and kill a whole bunch of people."
Live Mike
@Fr Gordon J MacRae Please explain to me how the IDF's most sophisticated surveillance monitoring network, which is capable of detecting a bird or a cat hoping over the wall, missed a hostile force using Paragliders?!
Ludovic 2Nîm
It's very likely in order to get the antechrist coming as they expect him and want the mosque Al-Aqsa to be destroyed. They need all this for that reason.
Articulate lady who makes excellent points. This was planned by the satanic elites for their own purposes. Scary times
@Live Mike I have a friend in Jerusalem. He is an Orthodox Rabbi. He's so good and so holy that I pray constantly for him to find Jesus because he reminds me of what Jesus said about Nathaniel in John 1:47. He resisted the lockdowns, and refused the vax, he sees the Global plan, and he agrees with Mike: Bibi is aware and possibly complicit. This is like Maui. Out of chaos comes order. (that's me, …More
@Live Mike I have a friend in Jerusalem. He is an Orthodox Rabbi. He's so good and so holy that I pray constantly for him to find Jesus because he reminds me of what Jesus said about Nathaniel in John 1:47. He resisted the lockdowns, and refused the vax, he sees the Global plan, and he agrees with Mike: Bibi is aware and possibly complicit. This is like Maui. Out of chaos comes order. (that's me, not him)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Israeli's are trying as best they can to drag the USA into this conflict, to supply them, and even for the USA to fight for them. B.S.
There's even afew pro-Israel lunatic Republicans and Democrats who are suggesting special forces USA troops be deployed.
Now Israel is whinning that USA citizens who are also Israeli citizens have been kidnapped and are hostages of Hamas, implying that the USA …More
The Israeli's are trying as best they can to drag the USA into this conflict, to supply them, and even for the USA to fight for them. B.S.
There's even afew pro-Israel lunatic Republicans and Democrats who are suggesting special forces USA troops be deployed.
Now Israel is whinning that USA citizens who are also Israeli citizens have been kidnapped and are hostages of Hamas, implying that the USA should rescue them.
I don't support either side. I'm not anti-Israel/Jews. I just don't support them. They have the best army in the Middle East, and can well defend themselves.
BUT....don't be surprised, if this war gets bigger...and it might...if the Israeli's start whinning for the USA to step in and "Save us!! "Save us!!!"
I hope the USA is not so stupid.
Live Mike
This might be used as the pretext / justification for the total & complete removal of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I used to support Isreal/Jewish people alot more, before I saw video clips of young Hasidic Jewish men spitting on young and old Catholic nuns in traditional habits walking in Jerusalem, and a bunch of young Jews protesting at the opening of a new monastery of friars. After that, I have little sympathy for Israel. This war is tragic, and it is a terrible thing, but the Israelis have a great army …More
I used to support Isreal/Jewish people alot more, before I saw video clips of young Hasidic Jewish men spitting on young and old Catholic nuns in traditional habits walking in Jerusalem, and a bunch of young Jews protesting at the opening of a new monastery of friars. After that, I have little sympathy for Israel. This war is tragic, and it is a terrible thing, but the Israelis have a great army and should be able to go it alone. But they won't. They'll sooner or later cry "helpless" and expect the USA to step in......which would be the biggest mistake for us because it would enormously widen the conflict, and countries not especially friendly to the USA might take it as a provocation.
Let Israel win, or lose, on it's own.
Ivan Tomas
There is no peace without Christ.
Maybe this was there excuse to go to war? To no longer try to be at peace? There is no peace with Hamas.
So it seems. And also that they have been wrong about the potential of Palestinian Muslims. Because it is not clear that Israel will win. Or do those same people who allowed it want to destroy Israel? Very strange this.
chris griffin
Now the world has 2 hot wars. What's next?