
Netherlands: Only 6% of “Catholics” Attend Sunday Mass

51% of the Dutch over 15 years do not belong to any religion according to new statistics published by the Central Statistics Bureau, Agensir.it reports (October 22).

24% of the Dutch are Catholic. Of those claiming to be "Catholic" only 6% effectively practice their Faith, this is 1.44% of the total Dutch population. 5% of the Dutch are Moslems. 78% of the Dutch have never or hardly ever attended a religious service at all.

Before Second Vatican Council more than 40% of the Dutch population were practicing Catholics. This abruptly changed after the Second Vatican Council and the liturgical changes which were introduced in the Netherlands with peculiar fanaticism.

Picture: © Pawel Kabanski, creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, #newsImcociuxph
The Catholic Catechism (#1861) offers a very powerful warning on missing Sunday Mass. Mortal Sin, "causes exclusion from Christ's kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices for ever, with no turning back." I didn't see that warning given at the Youth Synod, which is what true Pastors would do.
Comment cela s'appelle-t-il ? L'Apostasie !
Holland was radically V2, much good it did them.
Another reason is that so few people even know what the Catholic church teaches.
One of the reasons is the secularistic with evil idiologies governments they have