Gänswein: Benedict Didn’t Resign Because Of Homosexual Lobbies

Archbishop Georg Gänswein spoke about Benedict XVI on 6 January in Bergamo, Italy, reports CruxNow.com. "He was not born to exercise power," Gänswein said, adding that allegedly he had a strong sense …More
Archbishop Georg Gänswein spoke about Benedict XVI on 6 January in Bergamo, Italy, reports CruxNow.com.
"He was not born to exercise power," Gänswein said, adding that allegedly he had a strong sense of responsibility.
The reason for Benedict's resignation in 2013 was his lack of physical and psychological strength to exercise that responsibility and not scandals, Gänwein said: "The gay lobbies, the Vatican Bank IOR, paedophilia, Vatileaks, have nothing to do with it."
Picture: Georg Gänwein © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYdtdbyrhki
History is written by the victors...the seeming victors, anyway.
Live Mike
What are some things a man might say to get his job back?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I suggest Ganswein contact the SSPX and join them. Don't grovel on his knees to homo Bergoglio, like Cardinal Burke did......humiliaing himself before a heretic.