Cardinal Meisner defends his support of the "morning-after" pill

Archbishop Gänswein reportedly says Cardinal Meisner's statement "not true" Cardinal Meisner defends his support of the "morning-after" pill The Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner has …More
Archbishop Gänswein reportedly says Cardinal Meisner's statement "not true"
Cardinal Meisner defends his support of the "morning-after" pill
The Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner has decided to answer critics. A protest-mail campaign criticised the controversial decision, to approve the "morning after pill" subject to the condition that it was without abortifacient action, and allow it at Catholic hospitals in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Rhineland-Palatinate. Pro-life organizations and Catholic doctors call it a "phantom-pill" because with every known "morning after pill" an abortifacient effect could not be excluded.
Meisner, who was followed by the German Bishops' Conference on the 21st February, justifies his decision on a study the chairman of an international abortion lobby. First, it was claimed in the media,with the Cardinal as a source, that Pope Benedict XVI. had been informed of the step and had endorsed it. A claim that Cardinal Meisner had to deny a few …
Cardinal Meisner defends the circumcision of little boys too. With respect to circumcisions the German Constitution knows better to protect little children than this cardinal.
There is another scandal in Germany. A catholic hospital has abortions in its choice of services.
Cardinal Meisner defends the circumcision of little boys too. With respect to circumcisions the German Constitution knows better to protect little children than this cardinal.

There is another scandal in Germany. A catholic hospital has abortions in its choice of services.
Holy Cannoli
Dear Cardinal Meisner,
I know you probably won't be seeing this message for a few days since you are in Rome about to elect a new pope (God help us).
But nevertheless,why did you claim that the "morning after pill" could be ethically used after rape as a contraceptive and that you had informed Gänswein (Secretary of Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Georg Gänswein) by telephone and that Gänswein told …More
Dear Cardinal Meisner,

I know you probably won't be seeing this message for a few days since you are in Rome about to elect a new pope (God help us).

But nevertheless,why did you claim that the "morning after pill" could be ethically used after rape as a contraceptive and that you had informed Gänswein (Secretary of Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Georg Gänswein) by telephone and that Gänswein told you that, "The Pope knows. it's all in order"?

Why did you state that “The Pope knows, it's all in order”, Cardinal Meisner if Gänswein claims that there was never any phone call from you?

If the pope's secretary is being truthful (what would be his motive to lie?) then there was no phone call and your assertion that the pope said "it's all in order" regarding his approval of the morning-after pill is absolutely untrue?

Was this your feeble attempt to provide cover (what could be more authoritative than a papal blessing) for permitting the “morning-after pill” in Germany's Catholic hospitals?

Did you think that by proudly proclaiming to the world that you had the Pope's blessing “ The Pope knows, it's all in order” that this would then guarantee no one would dare question what actually was your own wicked decision shaped by pro-abortion advisors?

Is this what you thought, Cardinal Meisner?

The German Cardinals have all too often made decisions and brought Christ's Church into scandal based on money. Go retire!
Satan has a special place for you Cardinal Meisner! You are one of the worst cardnals there is! 😡
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
We reproduce the Cardinal's answer that is not an answer.
The response of the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner to his critics:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Normally chain emails are not answered. But in this case, an exception is therefore appropriate because the sender obviously has fallen victim to a misunderstanding.
First Cardinal Meisner has not "justified" the "morning after pill" .…More
We reproduce the Cardinal's answer that is not an answer.

The response of the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner to his critics:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Normally chain emails are not answered. But in this case, an exception is therefore appropriate because the sender obviously has fallen victim to a misunderstanding.

First Cardinal Meisner has not "justified" the "morning after pill" . He has not talen a position on specific preparations , but clarified the unchanged ecclesiastical principles for the protection of life and transferred the responsibility for the application of these principles to the doctors.

Second The "morning after pill" was not "introduced" in Catholic hospitals but was even in cases of rape rejected for an abortion and for abortion equaling nidation. Only in the case of delay in ovulation was it declared justifiable.

Third In the declaration, the Cardinal does not speak of a pill that produces an early abortion. No specific pill is featured.

Third, In der Erklärung des Kardinals wird nicht von einer Pille geredet, die nicht frühabtreibend sei. Es kommt überhaupt kein Pillenname vor.

Fourth, The Archdiocese of Cologne has not relied on a study of the FIAPAC-President, but pointed to better information for those interested in explanations of German scientific societies.

Fifth, The contention of the anonymous operator (the name is Anthony Principe - ED) of the internet campaign in which you have participated that there is no preparation that does not also work to produce an early abortion is not supported by any evidence.

Hallo, Kardinal Meisner


Sixth, The Cardinal has already met your request to clarify the situation, namely with the accompanying statement that allows you to come to your own conclusion.

Sincerely yours
Vicar Monsignor Oliver Boss
Archbishop's Private Secretary
Archbishop's House
Cardinal Frings Str. 10
50668 Cologne