
Lay Archbishop: Our Father Is “Problematic”

Stephen Cottrell, Anglican Lay Archbishop of York, England, told the General Synod that the Our Father is “problematic” for those who had bad experiences with “earthly fathers” and those who suffer …More
Stephen Cottrell, Anglican Lay Archbishop of York, England, told the General Synod that the Our Father is “problematic” for those who had bad experiences with “earthly fathers” and those who suffer from an “oppressively patriarchal grip on life.” He forgot to add that “thy kingdom come” is “problematic” for anti-royalists, and “our daily bread” for those suffering from celiac disease. In February, the Anglicans said they would consider using “gender-neutral” terms to refer to God.
Picture: Stephen Cottrell, © wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsIqqapfjumn
Mary 17
The only thing problematic is him
Jason l
These types are evil.
Hound of Heaven
Race to the bottom. An imbecile.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis and company want the Catholic Church to become just like this Anglican "church". It's up to faithful Catholics to take that agenda down and out.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Kenjiro!!!! I read the breaking news!!!! Bergoglio appointed new Cardianls...on September 30.....totally 21 Cardinals....I read to members....ah....it's very very worst Members....so so many man support to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion!!!!!! so few people support to our Orthodox teachings...much horrible news....Archbishop Fernandez....new Leader of Doctrine of Faith …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Kenjiro!!!! I read the breaking news!!!! Bergoglio appointed new Cardianls...on September 30.....totally 21 Cardinals....I read to members....ah....it's very very worst Members....so so many man support to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion!!!!!! so few people support to our Orthodox teachings...much horrible news....Archbishop Fernandez....new Leader of Doctrine of Faith..he will get to Cardinal's hat!!!! ah...now....I am very very angry...so horrible.....today appoint means...Bergoglio want destroying to our Orthodox teachings!!! this crazy horrible old man using to cardinals just this way!!!! ah....US Nuncio Archbishop Pierre get to Cardinal....it's so funny too...I am sure..Excellency Archbishop Vigano must got Cardinal's hat!!! before start horrible Synod....make New Cardinals...hmm...former Bishop Of Hong kong...Eminence Cardinal Zen, Eminence Cardinal Tong Hon...they against to LGBT Ideologies...and all wrong Ideologies..but now Bishop..Stphen Chaw...I heard...he friendly to Communist Dictator Xi...and he said..we must allow to woman ordination....and he close to LGBT Ideologies, idiscrimition Abortion....I can't explain my feeling now...I am sure..Devil's King..Lucifer is very laughing a lot!!!!! we can see the Orthodox Pope?? real Pope?? I am not sure.....if, if Lord will send real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time....I preparing...will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Japan's Martyrs, Netherland and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too....much, much hope....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too...many talking sorry...Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! have a great weekend....really hope don't see anymore to this Devil Pope....this horrible man's time will much longer...we will have much huge damages...so terrible!! send to new Cardinals List!!! Pope Francis announces Consistory for creation of new Cardinals - Vatican News
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Yes, the new appointment of cardinals is horrible! I hope we don't get a Francis II when Bergoglio finally dies. I'm going to attend Catholic Mass as a sede-vacantist Catholic, or with the SSPX. Faithful or traditional Catholics should start gathering together to establish a substitute Vatican and substitute Pope.....a legitimate, orthodox Bishop, someone from the …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Yes, the new appointment of cardinals is horrible! I hope we don't get a Francis II when Bergoglio finally dies. I'm going to attend Catholic Mass as a sede-vacantist Catholic, or with the SSPX. Faithful or traditional Catholics should start gathering together to establish a substitute Vatican and substitute Pope.....a legitimate, orthodox Bishop, someone from the SSPX to build a traditional Catholic Church. All that is necessary for a legit successor of Peter is for the new Pope to be a faithful Catholic. Even a traditionalist layman could be picked, but usually the person is already a cardinal. Seeing that picking a orthodox new Pope is virtually impossible with the College of Cardinals as it is now, I fear what kind of trash will be elected next.
Some people will say "trust in the Holy Spirit, that we will get a good new "Holy Father". But the way Bergoglio has packed the Sacred College with homosxuals and other deviants and heretics, that is very unlikely.
I for one, will not accept a "Francis II", or one who is worse. Only braindead idiots would accept someone like that, and wave and cheer and say "Viva il Papa" considering his views.
I read that very many traditionalist Catholics are considering such a move, to build a substitute Rome and substitute St. Peter's and VAtican. And a substitute Pope and College of Cardinals to exist unless or until the original holy City and Papacy returns to orthodoxy.
Many people blame Bergoglio for all of this. Yes, he is to blame. But more than that, I blame Benedict XVI for being a coward and for resigning, for whatever reason. He opened the door for all this filth. Had he stayed in office, he would have appointed more fairly conservative Cardinals, virtually making it impossible for the LGBTQ loving perverts to come in and be elected to replace Bergoglio when he dies.....which is probably very soon. I am not looking forward to seeing the apostate heretic that steps out onto the balcony of St. Peter's to succeed Bergoglio.
The Lord might act in an emergency and we wind up with a good Pope, but after today, that's not likely.😡😡😡
Live Mike
This latest absurdity comes after two thousand twenty three years of formal usage of the prayer that Christ Himself taught us when He walked the earth. Somehow I have the feeling that there is something "problematic" with Stephen Cottrell.
Actually Live Mike, this "update" to the Lord's Prayer has been used (albeit not officially) in the Catholic Church since Vatican II. When I was in seminary one professor (male) would always pray "Our Mother/Father" and a nearby convent of sisters had a weird Trinity: "In the name of the Source, word, and their spirit"
So, all the woke pronoun, trans B.S. has been circulating among heretics in …More
Actually Live Mike, this "update" to the Lord's Prayer has been used (albeit not officially) in the Catholic Church since Vatican II. When I was in seminary one professor (male) would always pray "Our Mother/Father" and a nearby convent of sisters had a weird Trinity: "In the name of the Source, word, and their spirit"
So, all the woke pronoun, trans B.S. has been circulating among heretics in the church way before it became fashionable in the culture!! 😤 🤪