
German Bishop: German Synod Only Implements Francis' Proposals

Aachen Bishop Helmut Dieser, Germany, would like Francis to understand "that I want to do precisely all that Francis proposes to us." Without being asked, Dieser told Dw.com (8 November) that he did …More
Aachen Bishop Helmut Dieser, Germany, would like Francis to understand "that I want to do precisely all that Francis proposes to us."
Without being asked, Dieser told Dw.com (8 November) that he did not want to preach Church teaching to practicing homosexuals. For him, the urges of such persons are "not unnatural" and therefore they must live not chastely but: "As Church we must answer these questions anew."
Contradicting the Bible, Dieser considers homosexual acts "positive," but defines it in a consistently negative way as "not a mishap," "not a disease," "not an expression of a deficit," and "not a consequence of original sin."
In the area of sexuality, Dieser assumes a "diversity" - i.e. homosexuality, normal sexuality and what else? He even says - one wonders how he knows this - that homosexuality is "willed by God" and "does not violate the will of the Creator."
Of course, he wants "to bless" homosexual couples garnishing this with the lie that "God loves you as you are, and as …More
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur
But, of course it does....
I follow Jesus
Wilma Lopez shares this
German bishop calls current Catholic teaching on sexuality ‘too simple’
Tony M
It really does look like Jorge set up the German Synod to....lead the way....set the pace.... for the closet heretical bishops and priests, the world over, to then, with newfound courage, come out of the woodwork and implement the pre-planned heretical agenda in every country on the planet!!! Jorge is one of the most skillfully tricky people I have ever laid my eyes on. Yes Kenjiro, we can't just …More
It really does look like Jorge set up the German Synod to....lead the way....set the pace.... for the closet heretical bishops and priests, the world over, to then, with newfound courage, come out of the woodwork and implement the pre-planned heretical agenda in every country on the planet!!! Jorge is one of the most skillfully tricky people I have ever laid my eyes on. Yes Kenjiro, we can't just sit back and passively watch Bergoglio wreak havoc in our Beloved Catholic Church, particularly where the danger is the potential damnation of millions of souls!!! Something needs to be done ASAP. We desperately need an Imperfect Council to very closely examine the validity/invalidity of Bergoglio's position on the Chair of Peter. It looks like many legal breaches occurred in the process of his coming to the Chair, starting with the fact that he had been a heretic long before his supposed 'election'. He did not magically become a heretic on 13 March, 2013. To think that would be extremely naive and unrealistic.
Tony M
Anyone with eyes to see would be instinctively aware that Jorge must be very happy with how the German Synod is moving. VERY HAPPY!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
THat is 100% TRUE. Otherwise, Francis and the CDF would have clamped down hard on the Germans, and that would have eneded the "Synodal Way". Had they tried this under Benedict XVI, heads would have rolled very fast, Marx probably would have been asked to resign, not to mention others.
Francis is a heretic, his people are heretics and homos, and this is going exactly the way Francis wants. He is 100…More
THat is 100% TRUE. Otherwise, Francis and the CDF would have clamped down hard on the Germans, and that would have eneded the "Synodal Way". Had they tried this under Benedict XVI, heads would have rolled very fast, Marx probably would have been asked to resign, not to mention others.
Francis is a heretic, his people are heretics and homos, and this is going exactly the way Francis wants. He is 100% in favor of queers. blessings for them, and all the other rot the Germans are planning.
Time for groups of Catholics to band together, find a nice place, and build a substitute Rome with a substitute Pope, Roman Curia, and Cardinals.
Some may whine that that suggestion is being sede-vacantist, etc. Boo-hoo! What would people rather be, pseudo-heretics and follow Francis as he creates a gay-loving, gay-filled Church, or keep to the True Mass and traditions/disiplines of our Faith...even it is in a substitute Rome/Vatican with substitute Pope.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis and company deserve no respect, no loyalty. It is time to protest against him. God bless the good bishop in the Netherlands, who has done just that and refused any participation in Francis Synodal way.