
Cardinal: NO, Francis Is NOT a Hypocrite

Francis' critics counter his [false] image as an "apostle of God’s mercy" - an illusion created by the oligarchs' media - with a "contrived (sic) image of an internal autocratic style that allows no …More
Francis' critics counter his [false] image as an "apostle of God’s mercy" - an illusion created by the oligarchs' media - with a "contrived (sic) image of an internal autocratic style that allows no dissent", complains Cardinal Farrell, Prefect for the Laity, on AmericaMagazine.org (March 28),
He quotes unnamed Vatican officials who are "supposedly" afraid to speak their true minds and lack trust in each other, with the result that the current state of the Church is not being honestly discussed at the highest levels of Church governance.
Farrell counters with this argument: "Do such pundits really believe that Francis is capable of such hypocrisy?" [The answer is, yes.]
As could be expected, Farrell takes refuge in the usual conspiracy theory that Francis critics are "promoting their own anti-Francis agendas". [No, they are defending the Catholic faith.]
For Farrell, this is an injustice to a "brave pope" who has called the Church to face the future without fear. It doesn't take courage …More
Tony M
He is capable of much worse than hypocrisy.....he is capable of the other 'h' word..... heresy......heresies that are potentially doing eternal damage to souls as he foists those errors on the Catholic flock all over the world. After 10 years of this guy......we can throw in idolatry (Pachamama) and blasphemy as well!!! Oh ......and sanctioning sacrilegious communion as per 'Amoris Laetitia'!!
It's not mercy, it's sympathy for their misery, even if their misery is from sin and error.
"Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine." [2 Timothy 4:2]
Dr Bobus
And I dont think Francis is a hypocrite. He's a victim of bad formation
Dr Bobus
He was ordained for the Legionairies of Christ. A few years later he became a priest in Washingtpn DC, where he cultivated a relationship with McCarrick.
A hypocrite believes in one thing but does another. Frantis is not one because he believes in lying and deception.