
Vatican Will Try to “Deny” Damning Evidence Presented by Viganò

The semi-official Vatican outlet IlSismografo.blogspot.com (September 2) has announced that the Holy See will "respond" to the accusations of whistle-blower Archbishop Viganò in the coming days.

The response will include “several clarifications” in order to "deny" the damning evidence presented by Viganò which in any court of the world would suffice to convict Pope Francis.

Viganò has witnessed that Benedict XVI imposed sanctions on Cardinal McCarrick, that Francis, knowing about the abuses, revoked the sanctions and even used the homosexual McCarrick as an advisor and kingmaker who promoted his pro-gay friends Cupich to Chicago and Tobin to Newark.

Francis has the protection of the oligarch media because they exploit "abuses" in order to damage the Church but they will not use them against their pro-gay allies inside the Church.

Picture: Franciscus, Theodore McCarrick, 2015-9-23, #newsNzxazepilx
The entire "swamp" needs to be drained, from Pope Francis to every member of the college of cardinals who have all taken an oath of obedience to this Pope. The hierarchy need to be replaced by traditional Latin Mass pre VCII type clergymen. The experiment of Vatican Council II has been a failure, and this current scandal in the Church proves it. Drain the Vatican Swamp!
alex j
De Profundis-At face value you make an excellent point regarding whether Francis should, or not resign. however on closer scrutiny your reasoning has not taken into account a]-the victims of abuse. b] The heretical utterances by Francis regarding homosexuals, such as," GOD made you that way" To be quite frank, [ pun intended ] Pope Francis's reign as Pope has been a total "train wreck". Question …More
De Profundis-At face value you make an excellent point regarding whether Francis should, or not resign. however on closer scrutiny your reasoning has not taken into account a]-the victims of abuse. b] The heretical utterances by Francis regarding homosexuals, such as," GOD made you that way" To be quite frank, [ pun intended ] Pope Francis's reign as Pope has been a total "train wreck". Question for you, " Have you considered the damage to the church if Francis, and others do not resign.? For GOD'S sake! the church needs cleansing of the evil that permeates the very fabric of its being. If that means the removal of all homosexuals and their enablers. which includes Francis, then so be it.
De Profundis
Has anyone considered how much damage the resignation of Pope Francis would do to the Catholic Church? Resignation is an option which no Pope until Benedict had used for hundreds of years. Now it is being bandied about as if he were a Governor of Illinois
In the end truth will prevail (but it is good to be aware that Satan will fight 'till the end')