
The Enemy of the Holy Mass: Vittorio Viola

The greatest enemy of the Roman Rite, along with Cardinal Parolin, is Monsignor Vittorio Viola, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, nicknamed 'Monsignor Nada, Nada, Nada', writes PaixLiturgique.fr (11 July).

- Viola is a Franciscan and wears the episcopal ring of Monsignor Annibale Bugnini, the inventor of the Novus Ordo.

- Viola was the main architect of 'Desiderio desideravi', the strict interpreter of the 'Traditionis custodes', and the supporter of all the prohibitions, most recently the celebration of Holy Mass at the end of the Covadonga pilgrimage.

- This earned him the nickname 'Monsignor Nada, Nada, Nada' [nothing, nothing, nothing].

- Viola is a product of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo in Rome, dedicated to the liturgy and in perfect symbiosis with the Dicastery for the Liturgy.

- He owes his career to Monsignor Domenico Sorrentino, who was Secretary of the Congregation for the Liturgy and is now Archbishop of Assisi.

- Viola is much more industrious than his boss, Cardinal Roche, who came to Rome because the English bishops no longer wanted this incompetent prelate who had managed to ruin the rich diocese of Leeds in less than five years.

- Viola, who hates the Roman Rite, has established himself as a key figure in his dicastery.

- He is behind the systematic banning of young priests whose bishops ask the Dicastery for the Liturgy to allow them to celebrate Mass.

- He told Monsignor François Touvet, coadjutor bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, that the new priests who wanted to be ordained for the Society of Missionaries of the Divine Mercy could only be ordained according to the Novus Ordo and could only celebrate according to the Novus Ordo.


la verdad prevalece
Nuncio: Intolerance toward Vetus Ordo Has “Something Diabolical” – Gloria.tv
Cardinal Sarah: “Banning or suspending the Extraordinary Form can only be inspired by the devil.
How the schismatic Bergoglio disobeyed and rebelled in Argentina against Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum
Bergoglio's diabolical hatred for the Latin mass is ideologically Marxist and has its roots in Argentina
Source …More
Nuncio: Intolerance toward Vetus Ordo Has “Something Diabolical” – Gloria.tv

Cardinal Sarah: “Banning or suspending the Extraordinary Form can only be inspired by the devil.

How the schismatic Bergoglio disobeyed and rebelled in Argentina against Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum

Bergoglio's diabolical hatred for the Latin mass is ideologically Marxist and has its roots in Argentina

Source Found! Bergoglio Copied Bugnini – Gloria.tv
English Catholic
Scratch the surface of anyone who hates the Traditional Latin Mass, and there is always another problem underneath.
Absolutely right!
English Catholic
And imagine wanting to wear Freemason Bugnini's ring!
Christopher Shahrazade
" and there is always another problem underneath.", and that problem is often that the person is an embittered homosexual who has extreme hatred for the TLM and other traditions of the CAtholic FAith.
Billy F
Remember only the Demonic, the Realm of Darkness, want the Mass of the Ages, The Mass of the Saints, The Mass that was handed down and grew organically from the Apostles to cease.More

Remember only the Demonic, the Realm of Darkness, want the Mass of the Ages, The Mass of the Saints, The Mass that was handed down and grew organically from the Apostles to cease.