
Schneider: Already Pius X Was Not Vigilant Enough in the Appointment of Cardinals

Bishop Athanasius Schneider has published a book in English entitled "Flee from Heresy: A Catholic Guide to Ancient and Modern Errors," released July 16 (Sophia Press).

Speaking with LifeSiteNews.com, he explains that the philosophical and theological modernism condemned by Pius X in the early 20th century "has been realised in all its devastating consequences in the life of the Church today.

High-ranking Church authorities are now promoting this modernism through various statements and official acts, he says: "A prime example of this is the document Fiducia supplicans, which authorises the [pseudo] blessing of adulterous and sodomitic couples who live together in a public and objectively sinful union".

The "responsible persons of the Holy See" [= Pope Francis and Tucho] make people believe that the blessing is not for the relationship, but for the two persons who constitute this concubinage, "thus defying logic, outraging reason and deceiving the whole Church and the world".

Monsignor Schneider gives an example of the current mentality of relativism, contradictions, sophisms and mental acrobatics:

"Today, if someone in the Church stands up for a traditional [= Catholic] truth of the faith and its continuing validity, he is told: 'You are right! And if someone else in the Church denies or relativises the same truth, he is told: 'You are right too!

And if a third person then makes the logically correct remark: I don't understand: how can the Church confess the truth and at the same time allow people to deny this truth with impunity? This person then receives this cynical reply: 'You are right too'"

Monsignor Schneider observes that the Modernists remained hidden during the pontificate of Pius X, but then slowly began to emerge through ecclesiastical personal politics.

The Bishop explains that already "Pius X was not always vigilant enough in the selection of candidates for the cardinalate".

Just three months before his death, Pius X made Archbishop Giacomo della Chiesa a cardinal. Della Chiesa was a disciple of the well-known anti-Catholic Cardinal Rampolla and did not agree with the policies of Pius X. On Pius X's death he was elected his successor and took the name Benedict XV.

During the pontificate of Benedict XV, the necessary care and vigilance in the selection of new bishops and cardinals began to diminish, Schneider writes.

Subsequent pontificates prepared the way for the situation at the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, "where the vast majority of the episcopate was already infected with uncritical sympathies for theological liberalism [= relativism]".


As usual, His Excellency, Bishop Schneider, is profoundly correct in the entirety of his assessment, both in a historical context as well as theologically. He builds his argument upon an unassailable and irrefutable foundation of truth and fact. Like the ancient biblical Prophets of old, he brooks no foolishness and wastes no time with pleasantries or platitudes, but “lays the axe at the root of …More
As usual, His Excellency, Bishop Schneider, is profoundly correct in the entirety of his assessment, both in a historical context as well as theologically. He builds his argument upon an unassailable and irrefutable foundation of truth and fact. Like the ancient biblical Prophets of old, he brooks no foolishness and wastes no time with pleasantries or platitudes, but “lays the axe at the root of the tree” fearlessly and unbiased by favoritism. What a strong, clarion, sensible VOICE, so needed in this day of diabolical madness, that Our Lord has gifted unto us through this most holy, faithful and devout Servant, who brings the blazing, penetrating Light of Christ in to the gross, hellish, damnable darkness of our age. And like a holy, zealous Warrior, filled with the strength and power of the Holy Ghost and urged on by righteous indignation, he stands firm and without compromise upon the front lines of the battle, with uncommon bravery, boldness and ceaseless courage, against the onslaught of abomination that seeks to drown the whole world. May all of Heaven protect and guard him well, and keep him safe and harbored from the wiles and machinations of the Adversary.
Sean Johnson
Although Schneider’s observations about Benedict XV’s liberalism are correct (eg., He disbanded the Sodalitium Pianum and made the first favorable gestures toward the modernist liturgical movement and the dialogue Mass, etc.), I’d question how much vigilance St. Pius X was capable of for an appointment made only 3 months before his death.
Mary Louise Veritas
"Commenting on the pontificate of Pius X, Monsignor Schneider mentioned that the Modernists remained hidden, but then slowly began to emerge by means of ecclesiastical personal politics."
This is just what so many of the recent and present day cardinals and bishops have done. They say and do one thing when they are a priest, then when they are made a bishop or cardinal they change their tune. We …More
"Commenting on the pontificate of Pius X, Monsignor Schneider mentioned that the Modernists remained hidden, but then slowly began to emerge by means of ecclesiastical personal politics."

This is just what so many of the recent and present day cardinals and bishops have done. They say and do one thing when they are a priest, then when they are made a bishop or cardinal they change their tune. We see this with many of the appointments of Popes John Paul, II, Benedict and now it is even worse with Francis.