Gloria.TV News on the 5th of July 2016 Corruption: The NGO Scholas Occurrentes founded by Pope Francis in 2013, a network of schools with a purpose, which is not entirely clear, has fallen under …More
Gloria.TV News on the 5th of July 2016
Corruption: The NGO Scholas Occurrentes founded by Pope Francis in 2013, a network of schools with a purpose, which is not entirely clear, has fallen under suspicion for supposed irregularities in Argentina. Among other problems, it received more than a million Euros from the Kirchner government for the construction of a headquarters in Buenos Aires that was never built.
Brexit-Pope: Massimo Faggioli writes that the reconfiguration of the European Union is directly related to the reconfiguration of the Catholic Church. Therefore Faggioli connects therefore the Brexit to a future decentralization of the Church. Quote: “Pope Francis has said repeatedly that the Catholic Church needs to be less centralized.” But Faggioli cautions: “I'm not convinced this would always and necessarily be a step forward.”
South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier called on Twitter for an apology for the genocide at the hands of the U.S. abortion industry, in particular for …More
Thomas Williams is absolutely right in asserting that the U.S. Commander-in-Chief ought to be concerned with the chillingly swift and effective black genocide. President Barak-I don't want (my daughters) punished with a baby-Obama believes it's that black babies are better off dead rather than causing their mothers to not have the same chance as men in life. Shame on him using his own daughters …More
Thomas Williams is absolutely right in asserting that the U.S. Commander-in-Chief ought to be concerned with the chillingly swift and effective black genocide. President Barak-I don't want (my daughters) punished with a baby-Obama believes it's that black babies are better off dead rather than causing their mothers to not have the same chance as men in life. Shame on him using his own daughters as an example to prove his determination, to state he will not back down in promoting the killing of the unborn and partially born.
Ana Luisa M.R
Apologizing would be an excellent first step in what amounts to a black genocide, as their replacement rate is not being reached. At this rate, the black population is literally disappearing from the face of the earth.
We ought to make abundantly clear we do not, "accompany them" in the abortion decision because we will never conclude their babies are better off dead. Rather, we ought to happily …More
Apologizing would be an excellent first step in what amounts to a black genocide, as their replacement rate is not being reached. At this rate, the black population is literally disappearing from the face of the earth.

We ought to make abundantly clear we do not, "accompany them" in the abortion decision because we will never conclude their babies are better off dead. Rather, we ought to happily make clear Pope Francis is correct in saying we are "obsessed" with stopping abortion and turning our culture of death back to a culture of life. Pregnancy resource centers outnumber abortion clinics 4-to-1 and many pro-life groups from various faith backgrounds and those of no faith background offer concrete help in every conceivable situation.

It is true, @Uncle Joe , that they are not dragged, unwillingly, to abortion as are women in China. But, as Brian Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation explains, many black leaders and organizations are complicit in pushing abortion on black women, as well as doctors, social workers, and many black women turn to in difficulty. One such group is the NAACP which Mr. Bomberger referred to as the National Association for the Advancement Abortion of Colored People.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
If anyone is interest in the onslaught against black unborn, please view the 2 hour+ documentary entitled: < Maafa 21 >. I guarantee a shock. The origins and function of Planned Parenthood (set up for the black problem), the organization praised by Obama and Hillary, have an unsavory origins. The documentary is weak in one point. The use of abortion came to be designated "population control" and …More
If anyone is interest in the onslaught against black unborn, please view the 2 hour+ documentary entitled: < Maafa 21 >. I guarantee a shock. The origins and function of Planned Parenthood (set up for the black problem), the organization praised by Obama and Hillary, have an unsavory origins. The documentary is weak in one point. The use of abortion came to be designated "population control" and ceased in its radicality in post 1965 to be aimed solely at aborting blacks and other undesireales. Why? President Johnson, a Democrate, introduced a massive welfare system that had the effect of destroying the black family. Today less than 30% of black kids have a mother and a father (let alone a married one). The purpose of not ridding the US of blacks was for the Democrat Party to bind them and their vote to the Democrats for hand-outs. Until the 1960s and the welfare "fundametal deformation" of society, blacks had as a relatively healthy community, been improving their lot since WW 2, children lived to 80% in families. And families are an object of leftist destruction. After the introduction of massive welfare (which US Church leaders did not oppose), the black society has become dysfunctional, but ca. a constant 90%+ vote for the Democrats and thereby gov. hand-outs. Abortion is still high among blacks, i.e., some 70%. of black pregnancies end in abortion and 70%+ of the born do not live in a two parent family. There is more rot than the good Father was indicating with his demand for an apology for aborting black children -- indeed disproportionally to the population. Alas, the black Protestant clergy will not be behind the drive for such an apology unless it can be politically used to attack "white supremacy".
Uncle Joe
Great article from Thomas Williams! 👍
South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier called on Twitter for an apology from "the abortion industry." 😲
However, the fault lies primarily with Blacks themselves, Cardinal Napier. 👌
Why don't you ask President Obongo, 'Rev.' Jessie Jackson, 'Rev.' Al Sharpton and the BLM (Black Lives Matter) crew for an apology since …More
Great article from Thomas Williams! 👍

South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier called on Twitter for an apology from "the abortion industry." 😲

However, the fault lies primarily with Blacks themselves, Cardinal Napier. 👌
Why don't you ask President Obongo, 'Rev.' Jessie Jackson, 'Rev.' Al Sharpton and the BLM (Black Lives Matter) crew for an apology since it is BLACK babies who are aborted at nearly four times the rate of white children. Cardinal Napier, nobody is forcing Black mothers to have their unborn babies murdered. Quote: “It seems only logical that if “black lives” truly mattered to black leadership—beginning with the Commander-in-Chief—they would dismantle the establishment responsible for the deaths of its members and expend a little effort protecting the lives of unborn black children.” Thomas D. Williams 👏