SYNODAL PUSHBACK: Bishop Schneider Launches Major Counter-Synod Offensive Michael Matt in Rome attends another Vatican press conference and challenges a Synodal Father on the question of whether the …More
SYNODAL PUSHBACK: Bishop Schneider Launches Major Counter-Synod Offensive
Michael Matt in Rome attends another Vatican press conference and challenges a Synodal Father on the question of whether the Synodal Church still believes it is necessary for anyone to become a Catholic.
Plus, Michael attends the launch of Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s new catechism.
Answering the call of Catholic mothers and fathers who are confused by what is happening at the hierarchical level of the Church, Bishop Schneider has written a question-and-answer catechism that will lovingly instruct Catholics all throughout the world on what they need to believe to keep the Catholic Faith, regardless of what the Synodal Church says or does.
What about transgender ideology? Drug use? Sex education? Transsexualism? This catechism is everything you need to keep the faith as the Synodal darkness covers the earth.
Good news, friends. All is not lost. There’s a war on, and Franics knows it!
This is an attempt to create the New World Religion. Make no mistake Mr Matt. They know exactly what they are doing and have an agenda: to make the Roman Catholic Church irrelevant.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe Pope Francis will suddenly be called home (and not to Buenos Aires, Argentina) 🤪 🤪 😂 🤔
Louis IX
I can’t believe he has lasted this long.
Legitimization of Petrine usurpacy and False Pophet's heresy continued... Texts by Msgr. Viganò
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
To which do you refere? The newest have no active link.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila my assertion refers to MMatt and Bp Schneider's position.. and to refute the latter, link is recommendation to know truth... which yes still has the inactive latest Homily
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Consider for the valid knowing of truth this:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Christ must be reco…
Bazsó-Dombi Attila every reflection of abp. Vigano is worth reading and ,most of all ,understanding...
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Just count Archbishop Viganò's manifestations between my posts, please.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
by logics Card. Bergoglio can not be both Pope (bp. Schneider) and usurper - false prophet (abp. Vigano). One of the Churchmen is saying truth and the other is lying,thereby causing more confusion and further destruction of Church... Modern people have been subjected to communication by the Hegelian Dialectic of antithesis and thesis to be disoriented by end of a synthesis …More
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
by logics Card. Bergoglio can not be both Pope (bp. Schneider) and usurper - false prophet (abp. Vigano). One of the Churchmen is saying truth and the other is lying,thereby causing more confusion and further destruction of Church... Modern people have been subjected to communication by the Hegelian Dialectic of antithesis and thesis to be disoriented by end of a synthesis distorting the truth. May be you can draw a syntheis from their positions ?
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Of course I can!