
Austrian Bishop: You Can Neither Bless Gay Pseudo-Marriages Nor Concentration Camps

Replying to Munich Cardinal Marx' proposal to "bless" gay pseudo-marriages, retired Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun pointed out that sin, including brothels or concentration camps, cannot be …More
Replying to Munich Cardinal Marx' proposal to "bless" gay pseudo-marriages, retired Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun pointed out that sin, including brothels or concentration camps, cannot be blessed.
Writing on kath.net (February 12), Laun called the individual-case trick with which Marx wants to introduce gay blessings “absolutely worthless” asking what Saint John the Baptist would have said if Herod, when taking his brother's wife, had excused his adultery as "individual case".
Picture: Andreas Laun, © Thaler Tamas, CC BY-SA, #newsHabbeyaxaz
Joseph a' Christian
@Klaus Gamber You have plenty of work for Lent, you express yourself exaktly as people of the world.
I have been studying our great Church for approximately 10 years now, it has been wonderful, very interesting, the more i have learned, the more deeply grateful I am to Almighty God
Our Church history is incredibly dynamic. Yet, this current era is heartbreaking. Years back i worked at a Franciscan …More
@Klaus Gamber You have plenty of work for Lent, you express yourself exaktly as people of the world.
I have been studying our great Church for approximately 10 years now, it has been wonderful, very interesting, the more i have learned, the more deeply grateful I am to Almighty God
Our Church history is incredibly dynamic. Yet, this current era is heartbreaking. Years back i worked at a Franciscan Monastery, i fell in love with the true ways of Saint Francisco. I wanted to become a brother, i was on fire. Yet, there were many homosexuals there, they didn't care how many different protestant false bibles there were in the chapels and they would turn the chapels over to pagans, such as buddists, when they visited.
This experience happened during one of the media storms of the many abuses against our Catholic young men by homosexual /pedofile priests. Over the past 20 years, the more news i learned of: numerous priests stealing, the vatican bank corruption, many priests who are not lovers of the Holy Word... You see the ongoing horrible skandals that are written of non-stop on this gloria website.
Yes, at times i get disgusted and harsh, i have to watch my words. We have an evil false pope, who is very destruktive. This is terrible.

Christ Is King.
Joseph a Christian, remember mans will can be a most deadly adversary.
My dear brother in all things God must be obeyed and Loved.
One more comment from Josephmary
Joseph a Christian: it seems to me that scripture tells us to keep and Love the baby.
The Holy and Blessed virgin Mary is a good example. When she went to visit Elizabeth who was already 6 months pregnant, as Mary greeted Elizabeth the very sound of Mary's voice caused the child (not fetus) to lept for joy, Elizabeth tells us with great conviction. Elizabeth already 6 months pregnant in her old age …More
Joseph a Christian: it seems to me that scripture tells us to keep and Love the baby.
The Holy and Blessed virgin Mary is a good example. When she went to visit Elizabeth who was already 6 months pregnant, as Mary greeted Elizabeth the very sound of Mary's voice caused the child (not fetus) to lept for joy, Elizabeth tells us with great conviction. Elizabeth already 6 months pregnant in her old age I might add. Could Elizabeth life be on the line being 6 months pregnant at such an old age ?!!? Yet Elizabeth did not consider abortion due to her old age.

Mary to conceived ,yet new no man.Back then a woman who conceived and claim she new no man could easily be construed as being raped or mentally disabled since she was pregnant. Yet YET MIND YOU NOW scripture tells us in very powerful ways God preserved her and the fetus in the most Holy and pure manner possible.
In both cases the babies were born even though in both cases there could be given HUMAN REASON for abortion. Yet they were born to gods glory and our mercy.
Joseph a' Christian
On my list here, it is the post right above this one: www.catholicherald.co.uk/…/member-of-vatic…
Joseph a Christian if you can post a link I am having a hard time finding the article thanks
Joseph a Christian thank you for bring this to my attention. No I did not see the article posted by tesa but I will review it if I can find it. Thank you again for sharing with me truth and exposing deceit and lies.
One more comment from Josephmary
Joseph a Christian well put. Francis once again proves himself to be an apostate and a heretic. He has betrayed the fathers of the church and even more betrayed Jesus. The talmud the Kabbalah and the midrash are evil and I thank you and Bless you for bring that to light. In Jesus is freedom in man is inordinate freedom that is freedom that is displaced. God Bless you Joseph a True cahistian
Joseph a' Christian
@Josephmary We were just writing of the evils of the jews and their hate filled books, the Talmud.
Did you see the artikle just posted by Tesa, of the jew rabbis that Bergoglio has appointed to a committee on abortion?
It's so absurd that in any other era, anti-Christ jews advising a "pope" would of course be a joke.
Jesus Is Freedom.More
@Josephmary We were just writing of the evils of the jews and their hate filled books, the Talmud.
Did you see the artikle just posted by Tesa, of the jew rabbis that Bergoglio has appointed to a committee on abortion?
It's so absurd that in any other era, anti-Christ jews advising a "pope" would of course be a joke.

Jesus Is Freedom.
Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun you can't win as a Novus Ordo priest supporter of over 201 heresies of vatican 2 and the deliberate desecration of all the sacraments. It will not help you at all claiming what can be Blessed or CANNOT be blessed. You are not a priest or bishop you do not have Holy Orders. You are invalid. As a Novus Ordo priest you are a heretic and an apostate. Therefore you are …More
Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun you can't win as a Novus Ordo priest supporter of over 201 heresies of vatican 2 and the deliberate desecration of all the sacraments. It will not help you at all claiming what can be Blessed or CANNOT be blessed. You are not a priest or bishop you do not have Holy Orders. You are invalid. As a Novus Ordo priest you are a heretic and an apostate. Therefore you are outside the true catholic church and your teaching councils and advise we hold with little to no regard. The subject matter is objective and has nothing to do with you and the grave sins you have given your consent and complicity to. The subject matter will not absolve you nor give you absolution from the complicity of the freemanson agenda of vatican 2 and the Novus Ordo church you are in a grave state of Sin. You know what you must do.
Sin is sin anywhere ,anytime anyhow ,