
Francis Calls During Eucharist - And Phone Comes First (Video)

Jalostotitlán Father Miguel Domínguez, Jalisco, Mexico, was reading the gospel during a Eucharist when his mobile phone rang.

Instead of switching it off, he accepted the call immediately, nodded to the congregation, disappeared into the sacristy, and transmitted the phone-call via the microphone to everybody.

It turned out that he was talking to "Francis," reports VidaNuevadigital.com (May 21). The incident was recorded.

Shortly after, he returned, asked for applause for Francis, and continued reading the Gospel. Mexican media call Domínguez a friend of Francis.

In a serious Catholic Mass, a priest would obviously not have answered the phone, because there Christ comes first, not a phone.


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The Spirit of the Liturgy.

Pope Benedict's Vision
Angie W.
Obedience to God comes first. We must obey God rather than men as our First Pope Saint Peter and the apostles taught us. Bergoglio believes that he is above God. The bergoglians sin of idolatry.
Francis before Almighty God, I guess.
Ironic since someone always politely reminds parishioners to switch off their phones shortly before the liturgy begins.
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio calls an old accomplice in the middle of mass and it is evident that the call was staged, a set-up. 🤡🤡🤡 The priest has the phone with him during Mass and in-front of him during the reading expecting a call. Bergoglio asks him questions like they had not spoken for a long time. The modernist priest lies in front of everyone when he replies that 'he was preparing to celebrate Mass' …More
Bergoglio calls an old accomplice in the middle of mass and it is evident that the call was staged, a set-up. 🤡🤡🤡 The priest has the phone with him during Mass and in-front of him during the reading expecting a call. Bergoglio asks him questions like they had not spoken for a long time. The modernist priest lies in front of everyone when he replies that 'he was preparing to celebrate Mass' instead of saying that he was celebrating Mass. Here we can see these sacrileges are perfectly planned by Bergoglio and his accomplices.
J G Tasan
Well, we might call it as the ‘Pre-54th. World Communication Day’ celebration (as it was posted on May 22, 2020); so, definitely, this is ‘the story’ to be told for ages... 🤑
When Jesus returns, will he find faith on the earth?