
Pope’s Mouthpiece: 2 + 2 in theology can make 5

On January 5th, Father Antonio Spadaro, the Italian Jesuit who is called “the Pope’s mouthpiece”, denied on “twitter” the principle of non-contradiction. He wrote: “Theology is not #Mathematics. 2…More
On January 5th, Father Antonio Spadaro, the Italian Jesuit who is called “the Pope’s mouthpiece”, denied on “twitter” the principle of non-contradiction. He wrote:
“Theology is not #Mathematics. 2 + 2 in #Theology can make 5. Because it has to do with #God and real #life of #people...”
Msgr. Richard Umbers, an Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, answers benevolently: “I have always understood faith as a light that is superior to human reason but not contrary to it. Could you expand on this?”
“It is not what he said”
The Dominican Fr. Pius Pietrzyk got to the heart of the matter: “If he'd said God can't be reduced to a math equation, yes. But he seems to deny principle of non-contradiction.” Pietrzyk explains that faith does not permit logical contradictions. He hopes, that Spadaro only means that mathematics and theology have distinct methodologies: “But it’s not what he said.”
And: “I don't know how to read 2+2=5 other than as a rejection of the principle of non-contradiction.”
Holy Cannoli
“Theology is not #Mathematics. 2 + 2 in #Theology can make 5. Because it has to do with #God and real #life of #people...”
This is a perfect example of why this Italian meatball should be confined to a small room in the Vatican and never be allowed to speak to anyone, especially a reporter, ever again. His reasoning is an embarrassment and he is a disgrace to Catholicism. 🤦
Logic rests on …More
“Theology is not #Mathematics. 2 + 2 in #Theology can make 5. Because it has to do with #God and real #life of #people...”

This is a perfect example of why this Italian meatball should be confined to a small room in the Vatican and never be allowed to speak to anyone, especially a reporter, ever again. His reasoning is an embarrassment and he is a disgrace to Catholicism. 🤦

Logic rests on the fact that there are statements that necessarily are true and therefore cannot be falsified no matter what is or is not the case.

1) No circle is a rectangle.
2) 2 + 2 is always 4
3) You are either alive or dead (props given to Schrödinger's cat )

Tautologies, as in these 3 examples, are true no matter what is or is not the case. It simply is impossible to find, construct or even imagine a counterexample (a situation in which the tautology would not be true).
Here are the contradictory statements that are the negations of the tautologies listed above:

1) Some circle is a rectangle.
2) 2 + 2 is not always 4
3) One can be dead or alive

Incoherent speech involves the speaker in a contradiction, which may be more or less obvious to his audience or so well-hidden in his arguments that only diligent logical analysis will bring it to light. Therefore, Fr. Spadaro, 2 + 2 never = 5 no matter what you think or say.

"God does not play dice with the universe." Albert Einstein
It's more confusion to me