
Francis Admitted That He Has Encouraged Priests To Become Schismatics

The Vatican's “Pastoral Guidelines” regarding the civil registration of the Chinese Catholic clergy with the Communist Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association is much worse than the Vatican's secret agreement with Beijing, Cardinal Joseph Zen told NcRegister.com (September 28).

Zen reports that even Francis agreed during a private audience, that the Patriotic Association is "objectively a schismatic Church.” Nevertheless, he invited the underground Church which has suffered for so many years in order to be faithful to the Vatican, to register with this group.

The Cardinal also informed that he didn’t receive "many responses” to his letter which he sent to the [indifferent] cardinals, and in which he asks questions about the Pastoral Guidelines.

Picture: © Joseph Zen, Twitter, #newsJeutzbbyfr

...except Pope Francis isn't a "schismatic" @San Stupido ora pro nobis You obviously are against the Church. These "pastoral guidlines" did not require priests to join China's official party. Even the GTV article acknowledges the point.
GJA Taylor
Ultraviolet - are you for real? Are you defending this dreadful Pope? Get a grip!
Since you asked, yes, I am for real. No, I am not defending this dreadful Pope. However, he -is- Pope as you said and he is -not- a schismatic. The truth exists independently of my personal like and dislikes, or yours, or anyone else's.
Long before you joined GTV, others made a similar error. Recognizing a Pope's claim to the Papacy or his status within The Church does not imply support for a Pope's …More
Since you asked, yes, I am for real. No, I am not defending this dreadful Pope. However, he -is- Pope as you said and he is -not- a schismatic. The truth exists independently of my personal like and dislikes, or yours, or anyone else's.

Long before you joined GTV, others made a similar error. Recognizing a Pope's claim to the Papacy or his status within The Church does not imply support for a Pope's policies or his beliefs.

An example from EU politics will highlight the distinction. Angela Merkel is Chancellor of Germany. I may dislike Angela Merkel's immigration policies, her communist background, and a great many things more besides. But that doesn't change the fact that Angela Merkel is, indeed, Chancellor of Germany.

Many Catholics, I'm sorry to say, seem to believe reality is subject to their whims... magical thinking whereby saying something instantly makes it true. On GTV, the popular examples you'll encounter are: "Pope Francis is... a.) an antipope b.) not validly elected. c.) not really pope d.) a heretic, e.) a schismatic f.) a sodomite". Technically, in spite of Pope Francis' many demonstrable failings, he none those things, however.

Factually correcting people with a delusional world-view tends to enrage them as reality often does. Ages ago, one truly dedicated user made a personal hobby out of defaming me on this point, "bearing false witness" in the biblical sense of the term, so much so, I was compelled to address the most popular of them point by point.

Over a year ago
, I wrote, "I do not support Pope Francis. I don't like Pope Francis. I don't approve of Pope Francis. But Pope Francis is the Pope. I don't like that either. I have repeatedly explained this to KristianKeller. I've repeatedly explained this to many people here."

...many people, now including you. ;-)
Alex A
@mystic> Are you aware of any Communist government looking favourably on a well articulated point????
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
The communist schismatics united to the schismatic Bergoglio. The Chinese Communist Schismatic 'church' has joined Bergoglio but remains separate from the Catholic Church. The Church has excommunicated the Communists latae sententiae including communist collaborators like Bergoglio.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Pope Pius XI– The Communist system, with its authors and abettors condemned
-Communism is intrinsically wrong and no one may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith– Formal prohibition to join or favor Communist Parties – latae sententiae excommunication
Pope John XXIII– No Catholic can subscribe even to moderate Socialism – opposition between …More
Pope Pius XI– The Communist system, with its authors and abettors condemned
-Communism is intrinsically wrong and no one may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith– Formal prohibition to join or favor Communist Parties – latae sententiae excommunication
Pope John XXIII– No Catholic can subscribe even to moderate Socialism – opposition between Communism and Christianity is fundamental.

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Formal prohibition to join or favor Communist Parties – latae sententiae excommunication

1. Whether it is lawful to join Communist Parties or to favour them;
2. whether it is lawful to publish, disseminate, or read books, periodicals, newspapers or leaflets which support the teaching or action of Communists, or to write in them;
3. whether the faithful who knowingly and freely perform the acts specified in questions 1 and 2 may be admitted to the Sacraments;
4. whether the faithful who profess the materialistic and anti-Christian doctrine of the Communists, and particularly those who defend or propagate this doctrine, contract ipso facto excommunication specially reserved to the Apostolic See as apostates from the Catholic faith.

The Most Eminent and Most Reverend Fathers entrusted with the supervision of matters concerning the safeguarding of Faith and morals, having previously heard the opinion of the Reverend Lords Consultors, decreed in the plenary session held on Tuesday (instead of Wednesday), June 28, 1949, that the answers should be as follows:
To 1. in the negative: because Communism is materialistic and anti-Christian; and the leaders of the Communists, although they sometimes profess in words that they do not oppose religion, do in fact show themselves, both in their teaching and in their actions, to be the enemies of God, of the true religion and of the Church of Christ;
to 2. in the negative
: they are prohibited ipso iure (cf. Can. 1399 of the Codex Iuris Canonici);
to 3. in the negative, in accordance with the ordinary principles concerning the refusal of the Sacraments to those who are not disposed;
to 4. in the affirmative. (Replies confirmed by Pius XII on June 30) (Denzinger-Hünermann 3865. Decree of the Holy Office, July 1, 1949)
SIC: Nevertheless, he invited the underground Church which has suffered for so many years in order to be faithful to the Vatican, to register with this group.
And btw also invite Dalai Lama to report to Xi tomorrow. Then they can talk it out.
If you want some impact follow HIM: Jesus Christ reported himself in Gethsemane. Made his point.More
SIC: Nevertheless, he invited the underground Church which has suffered for so many years in order to be faithful to the Vatican, to register with this group.

And btw also invite Dalai Lama to report to Xi tomorrow. Then they can talk it out.

If you want some impact follow HIM: Jesus Christ reported himself in Gethsemane. Made his point.