
"Traditional Methods": Mexican Nuncio Shoots Himself in the Foot

Archbishop Francis Coppola, the Nuncio in Mexico, preached gloom and doom at the April 12 opening of the Mexican bishops’ conference.

Mexicans increasingly identify as nonreligious and fewer participate in parish life, he observed, saying that the decline in the number of Catholics is "extremely worrying.” Coppola noticed that the number of religious marriages dropped within the last twenty years by half.

As a solution, he repeated the Francis refrain according to which the Gospel and Christ "will always continue to be attractive," but added that "our traditional methods" today "don’t work nor can they work."

This is perfectly true, however, Coppola overlooked that the "traditional methods" he rightly slammed were introduced two generations ago by the failed Second Vatican Council that replaced the Catholic Faith with secularism and leftwing ideology causing the present pastoral disaster.

Picture: Franco Coppola © Conferencia del Episcopada Mexicano, #newsHztobndtxy

🤭 I thought he literally shot himself in the foot!