
Looking for the Wrong People: Vatican Synod Wants To Listen To FORMER Catholics

The Vatican published on September 7 a preparatory document and handbook for the “Synod on Synodality,” a two year succession of worldly meetings and empty discussions. The "final document," expected in October 2023, is likely already written.

One of the main goals is "to live a participative and inclusive ecclesial process" that offers everyone" [except marginalised Catholics], especially those who for various reasons find themselves "on the margins," the opportunity "to express themselves and to be heard.”

The topics listed in the handbook are those imposed by the oligarchs: Covid-19, immigration, abuse-hoax, social justice, climate change. Nobody in the Francis church cares about topics relevant for the Church.

The handbook praises existing synodal/suicidal processes like those in Germany, South America, Ireland, and Australia, and demands to listen to youth, women, poor, foreigners and “Catholics who rarely or never practice their faith” - while competence is not sought after.

From 2024, the "results" of the Synod will be implemented worldwide into the collapsing Council Church.


Advocata shares this
Is "synodal church" code for "democracy church" which is code for "majority rule" church?
"...Covid-19, immigration, abuse-hoax, social justice, climate change." The way to direct a narrative is by choosing who is heard. ;-)
Phyllis Crespo
They should just talk amongst themselves.
...with a few "special guests" from laity. Greta Thunberg is going to make an ugly reappearance. You heard it here first.
Mentions in the preparatory doc of the synod on synodality:
-Sin: 1 ("sinners")
-Sacrament of Confession: 0
-Eucharist: 2 -4 Last Things: 0
-Mary & the Saints: 0
-Rosary: 0
-Abortion: 0
-The cry of the earth: 1
-Some form of "synod": 77
It’s a waste of time and resources
"The hope is that the experience of the Synodal Process will bring about a new springtime..." Not a joke. That's an actual quote from the preparatory document for the Synod on Synodality. They are THAT deluded.
De Profundis
The number of Bishops has exceeded 1000 after WWII. *** Parkinson's Law of 1000: "An enterprise employing more than 1000 people becomes a self-perpetuating empire, creating so much internal work that it no longer needs any contact with the outside world."
"Diocesan Synodal Phase of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality"
Oh, by the way, the so-much-synodal Pope, didn't convene for several years now a Consistory just to freely and openly and fruitfully discuss among Cardinals. (Yet you have the C-x "privy" and the Synodal structure, but...)
Brandmüller two years ago