
Bishop Bätzing: Vatican Must Allow Homosexual Priests [and More Abuse]

The Vatican must distance itself from the law [which is not applied anyway] that forbids the ordination of homosexuals as priests. German Presiding Bishop Georg Bätzing demanded this on Deutschlandfunk.de …More
The Vatican must distance itself from the law [which is not applied anyway] that forbids the ordination of homosexuals as priests. German Presiding Bishop Georg Bätzing demanded this on Deutschlandfunk.de (19 September). He said the ban led to "taboos" and "concealment". A spokesman for Bätzing confirmed his statement to KNA.de.
As recently as December 2016, the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy published a document stating that candidates with deep-seated homosexual tendencies must not be ordained. They lack the affective maturity to maintain correct relationships with men and women, the document said. Sexual abuse in the Church, covered up by the oligarchs' media as "paedophilia", consists of over 80% homosexual crimes.
Picture: Georg Bätzing © Pressefoto, SynodalerWeg.de, #newsCgnjemonna
Ann Smith
One homo priest is too many!
Jan Joseph
Ik vermoed dat er een relatie is tussen homoseksualiteit en transgenders.
transgenders vinden dat kinderen al op jonge leeftijd mogen beslissen over hun identiteit, wil ik een jongetje of een meisje zijn. Zeer veel kinderen hebben van deze onomkeerbare keuze spijt en krijgen ernstige psychische problemen. In Nederland wordt door de scholen de transgender visie om kinderen op jonge leeftijd te laten …More
Ik vermoed dat er een relatie is tussen homoseksualiteit en transgenders.
transgenders vinden dat kinderen al op jonge leeftijd mogen beslissen over hun identiteit, wil ik een jongetje of een meisje zijn. Zeer veel kinderen hebben van deze onomkeerbare keuze spijt en krijgen ernstige psychische problemen. In Nederland wordt door de scholen de transgender visie om kinderen op jonge leeftijd te laten beslissen over hun identiteit gepromoot. Ik roep alle Rooms Katholieke ouders op om te kiezen voor Thuisonderwijs en/ of een Private Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke school op te richten.
Don't we have a great deal of homo priests already?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This bishop is crazy to say the Vatican must allow homosexual priests, even active ones. From the bad experience of being nearly molested by a homosexual priest when I was a senior in highschool 10 years ago, I know it is wrong to allow homo priests or seminarians. Priest or no, I shoved him when he made an advance and grabbed me and he stumbled and nearly fell over a bench in our locker room. I …More
This bishop is crazy to say the Vatican must allow homosexual priests, even active ones. From the bad experience of being nearly molested by a homosexual priest when I was a senior in highschool 10 years ago, I know it is wrong to allow homo priests or seminarians. Priest or no, I shoved him when he made an advance and grabbed me and he stumbled and nearly fell over a bench in our locker room. I appologized and made a quick exit for my bus for the ride home. But I saw what homo priests did to his Order. He wasn't the only one. There were 14 priests at my highschool 10 years ago when I was there....3 today. I did alottie research on them awhile back.....in 1963 they had 455 priests, 48 brothers, 37 parishes down the East coast of the USA, two prep schools (mine included), and 2 colleges 250 seminarians, 65 novices and 100 postulants!!
They've had multiple homo priests scandals, all dating back from the late 1960's up to 2-3 years ago. Today, there are 101 priests, 6 brothers, 7 parishes, 2 prep schools (including mine), 2 colleges, only 2 seminarians and 1 novice. Vatican II, and homo priests ruined their Order in their Eastern USA Province.
He’s right about stopping the concealment. He is wrong on ordaining homosexuals. His views are worldly, the true church is in the world but not of the world. The Synodal church listens to the world and adopts its spirit. Pray for those who are confused.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori If we all leave and start a "new catholic Church" whats happpens when we do not like the new "pope"? Do we leave and start a second "new new catholic church"? Sounds like protestants. We need to stay and fight and trust in our Lords promise that the gates of hell will never prevail and our Lady's multiple promises that she would crush the head of satan. Viva Christo Rey!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@frawley -Your comments sound good. I think its just that I, and I'm sure millions of other faithful Catholics, are just tired of Pope Francis and his heresy, and his homos, and just wish he would pass on or disappear and then perhaps we'd get a Catholic Pope.
I did notice, however, that almost none of the Cardinals, even the ones created by Francis, are stepping up to defend him. Their silence may …More
@frawley -Your comments sound good. I think its just that I, and I'm sure millions of other faithful Catholics, are just tired of Pope Francis and his heresy, and his homos, and just wish he would pass on or disappear and then perhaps we'd get a Catholic Pope.
I did notice, however, that almost none of the Cardinals, even the ones created by Francis, are stepping up to defend him. Their silence may be a sign that although he appointed them, they disapprove of his agenda and are just waiting it out. But it's also cowardly not to stand for Catholic tradiiton and teachings, like only 2-3 have.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori @frawley I wanna fight this evil in the church. I hope you've signed the petition.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -I think I did. I think there were less than 1,000 names when I did it.
I was just wondering, whenever I read your excellent posts, are you an American of Dutch descent living in the Netherlands, or a native of the Netherlands. I only ask because your posts read so much like an American 😂 . I'm a teacher (on lunch break right now) at our local public high school. Obviously, I'm …More
@John Fritz Logan -I think I did. I think there were less than 1,000 names when I did it.
I was just wondering, whenever I read your excellent posts, are you an American of Dutch descent living in the Netherlands, or a native of the Netherlands. I only ask because your posts read so much like an American 😂 . I'm a teacher (on lunch break right now) at our local public high school. Obviously, I'm a Japanese-American, but a lot of students, new teachers, and parents I meet during the year are always stunned/confused when they see my legal first name on my desk, or on any records they receive from me because I guess they assume being Japanese, I don't have an English/Christian name. One or two have actually been rude enough to ask if I'm only part Japanese because I have a "Christian" first name. Legally, I have to use it for official reasons. I use my middle name here on this site because I'm proud of my Japanese heritage (all my brothers and sisters and I were baptized with our Catholic/legal names, but also have Japanese names in honor of our heritage/roots.
I hope I wasn't rude asking if you are a native of the Netherlands. It's just in reading your posts there's no grammatical errors etc., and it sounds so American. Great posts though. You know way more about the workings of the Vatican, and about the evil of Bergoglio and his people than I do ! I hope your petition is gaining a lot of signatures!!
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Do you think that those in power both church and secular, care about petitions or emails?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Heretic Pope Francis and his homo squad in the VAtican? NO. Secular governments, sometimes it works.
Can you give me an example of it working in the last 20 years?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If it comes out that the Vatican does allow for all this , sorry, but I suggest traditionalist Catholics group together and start a new Catholic Church with new Vatican, new Rome, and contact all monasteries,convents,friaries who want to join. Abandon the homo Francis Church.
I read there's already millions prepared to do just that....starting new. Maybe they'd even elect a substitute traditional …More
If it comes out that the Vatican does allow for all this , sorry, but I suggest traditionalist Catholics group together and start a new Catholic Church with new Vatican, new Rome, and contact all monasteries,convents,friaries who want to join. Abandon the homo Francis Church.
I read there's already millions prepared to do just that....starting new. Maybe they'd even elect a substitute traditional Pope, who I would follow rather than homo Francis and his crew like Batzing.
P. O'B
Can't do that, Kenjiro. But hang in there -- you are young and will live to see better days.