
In the Name of God? Government Bans Communion At Mass

Knox city and Knox county, Tennessee, issued guidelines for re-opening society on May 1 after the coronavirus crisis. They include a section for places of worship.

The guidelines allow only a “core worship,” but ban Holy Communion and baptism, “The physical taking of communion/sacrament should not be performed due to the serial breaking of physical distancing across a congregation.”

Catholics and also Baptists and Methodists are therefore to “consider guiding parishioners in how to connect with the spiritual aspects of these practices during this phase.”

The Church has so long played fast and loose with Holy Communion that this governmental ban may prevent more sacrileges than graces.


I bet the bishop will obey this unlawful directive
The Catholic Church is going underground,
Much needed, what will rise up from the future underground church will be Radical Catholic warriors... you can beat us, scare us, lock us up, starve us, but we only multiple....we will multiple underground...!!!!!!!!
This is the future
One lawsuit and this will evaporate. It's a no-brainer violation of the 1st Amendment. Trivia Bonus: The mayor of Knoxville is a Democrat.
De Profundis
So, a secular governor is banning the "physical taking of sacraments." Are we going along?