
St Peter’s Goes Folk

For this year’s May 6 swearing-in ceremony of the Swiss Guard, Nidwalden – one of Switzerland’s 26 member states (cantons) - was invited as a guest canton. As a special attraction, the Nidwalden folk …More
For this year’s May 6 swearing-in ceremony of the Swiss Guard, Nidwalden – one of Switzerland’s 26 member states (cantons) - was invited as a guest canton.
As a special attraction, the Nidwalden folk mass (Nidwaldner Ländlermesse) was performed during a Eucharist presided for the Swiss Guard in Saint Peter’s by the Archpriest, Cardinal Gambetti.
The Joseph Bachmann country music band and the Stans male choir performed in Saint Peter’s. The Kyrie Eleison sounded like this:
Load of nonsense. The music belongs in a Bierkeller.
Gestoord gedrag.
P. O'B
The music, the Swiss Guards, the masks being worn -- a symphony of absurdity.
Fr Dan
Run don't walk to your nearest TLM
Cassandra Laments
Well, I love the music but not exactly the Kyrie, is it! I don't know how anyone keeps their face straight at these 'events'. Then I saw the seemingly headless man on the left of the altar and hardly batted an eyelid. I think I'm way past even being surprised, let alone shocked, by anything. After all, we've seen far, far worse. Glad, though, to realize he's actually got a head.
"I don't know how anyone keeps their face straight at these 'events'."
IMHO It is quite simple - they are insane. Insanity distorts recognision of reality and makes them be most serious doing most foolish things.
Objectively - we are watching cheap grotesque or rather tragifarce in the precious church.
Cassandra Laments
@V.R.S. Yes, you're quite right about distortion of reality. Mind you, I think I'm suffering from distortion of normality. I find it more and more difficult to remember those days when things at least appeared to be vaguely normal, which with hindsight they obviously weren't, and now, the worst sacrileges and LGBT horrors dancing around altars in the Catholic Church are losing their shock value and …More
@V.R.S. Yes, you're quite right about distortion of reality. Mind you, I think I'm suffering from distortion of normality. I find it more and more difficult to remember those days when things at least appeared to be vaguely normal, which with hindsight they obviously weren't, and now, the worst sacrileges and LGBT horrors dancing around altars in the Catholic Church are losing their shock value and becoming 'normal' to see. How much more can we take? How much more will God take?