"Old Catholic Church": Cardinal Schönborn Apologises

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, Austria, apologised on 26 February to a schismatic group called "Old Catholics". The reason: On 19 February he told the magazine Communio that he did not wish …More
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, Austria, apologised on 26 February to a schismatic group called "Old Catholics".
The reason: On 19 February he told the magazine Communio that he did not wish the "Catholic" Church in Germany "the fate of the Old Catholic Church", [i.e. that it would become a small, unimportant sect that gathers perhaps 5,000 people in Austria].
Austria's "Old Catholics" went into a frenzy, writing a letter to Schönborn, demanding an "urgent clarification" and asking the prelate the rhetorical question: "What specific fate do you have in mind here?"
"I would like to apologise for a misunderstanding that I have caused through an ill-considered choice of words," Cardinal Schönborn wrote in a letter to the "Old Catholic" lay bishopess Maria Kubin, a lapsed Catholic, mother, grandmother and psychotherapist.
He didn't wish the German dioceses a schism, which is always a wound, Schönborn explained: "I did not intend it as a devaluation or criticism of the Old Catholic …More
Sandy Barrett shares this
You can't make it up: After Cardinal Schönborn warns German Bishops not to follow the path of the 'Old Catholics', he apologizes to and Old Catholic "bishopess": "I did not intend it to be a devaluation or criticism of the Old Catholic Church"
I know of some traditional seminarians who have been or are seeking ordination in that Church. The claim it has valid orders and the advantage is that's it's NOT under Francis. They've told me that, sure there's a liberal/modernist section, but there's also a traditional branch that has "maintained the True Faith prior to the errors of councils Vatican I and Vatican II." Is this legit? 🤔
Louis IX
The seminarians are probably speaking of the Old Roman Catholic Communion. Here is one of their churches’ websites: Not Affliated | Immaculate Conception Church
John A Cassani
Rejecting Vatican I makes them heretics, as well as schismatics, even if they rejected modernism.