Legal Victory: Rosary Can Be Prayed in Madrid Next Weekend

The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections.

The prayer will take place next to a Marian church right in front of the headquarters of the Socialist Party, which is very hostile to the Church.

The ruling states that there are "no well-founded reasons" to justify how the prayer would affect the political neutrality required on election day.

The organisers said in a statement that 'in the face of their [= the regimes] prohibitions, we must defend without fear what is ours'.

One wonders how much it has cost in legal fees for lawyers and courts to reach this decision.


Louis IX
I would like to think that the Spanish would have ignored such a dubious order.
Mary K Jones
Yes, but I think it is a good thing to force the court to approve it.
Billy F
Vivat Christus Rex!!!
Ave Maria!