Monsignor Agüer: Tucho Is Behind the Removal of the Archbishop of La Plata

Archbishop Héctor Agüer, former Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina, writes in a 5 June statement that the hand of Tucho Fernández can be seen in the recent removal of Archbishop Gabriel Mestre, 55, of La Plata.

Agüer led the archdiocese of La Plata for almost two decades. He was not popular with the neighbouring archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His successor was Tucho Fernández. He did the opposite of the Catholic Agüer and ruled with a 'persecution ideology'.

When Tucho was appointed Prefect for the Destruction of the Faith, Monsignor Mestre became Archbishop of La Plata. He began to clean up the mess that Tucho had left in La Plata. Tucho Fernández was not happy about that.

Now the names of Monsignor Mestre's possible successors are emerging: "Some of them worry and frighten me," writes Agüer.

He knows that the next archbishop will not be decided by the Apostolic Nuncio, but at a higher level: "I am not referring to the fact that it is always Francis who appoints bishops, but that today Argentina is in Rome and Argentine intrigues are well oiled [by Bergoglio and Fernández]."

Since Francis was elected Pope, the Argentine episcopate has been shaped, Agüer writes, not only by Francis' appointments, but also by what Agüer calls the Francisquismo of the Argentinean bishops who want "to keep their posts" or who "aspire to rise".


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Archbishop Aguer: Cardinal Fernández had a ‘hand’ in sudden ousting of Argentine prelate
Christopher Shahrazade
I never spent much time thinking about the Church until recently. A good part of my family belongs to an Eastern Rite Christian Church which has nothing to do with the Pope/Vatican. The Church is pretty big where my family originally came from, but tiny in the USA. But its interesting to note that many of the bishops of this Church know about Francis and his VAtican, and like many other churches of …More
I never spent much time thinking about the Church until recently. A good part of my family belongs to an Eastern Rite Christian Church which has nothing to do with the Pope/Vatican. The Church is pretty big where my family originally came from, but tiny in the USA. But its interesting to note that many of the bishops of this Church know about Francis and his VAtican, and like many other churches of the Orthodox tradition, think he and his people are perverts. Increasingly, I agree with them, and the hypothesis of Vigano regarding Bergoglio et al.
Christopher it's the paradox and mystery of inquity that the Orthodox solved Francis whilst Catholics are still deceived.
Christopher Shahrazade
Rafal- Thank you for your post. I'm new to this website. I found it today and thought the articles are far more truthful about the Church than most CAtholic sites, even conservative ones. THey like to whitewash Francis actions and make excuses for him. THats not really journalistic honesty. I'd rather get the truth, than read other CAtholic sites and be told how wonderful the "Holy Father" is.
Christopher Shahrazade
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew recieved Francis before the pro-homo document of December. I doubt he would welcome this Pope now.
sp2 . . Then why on earth was Francis elected while there was the legitimate pope living and claiming Petrine Office untill deceased ? Electing and deposing popes condemning their heresies is in competence of the Church and Cardinals. Get basic knowledge and have some mercy towards Orthodox which apparently have better eye sight on "Francis" than the aforementioned.