Vandalism? Polish Chapel Smeared with Blood

Monsignor Wojciech Polak, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland, blessed a chapel of the Precious Blood in Mieścisko on 29 May.

At the entrance to the chapel, some red paint, which looks like blood spatter, represent "the Blood of Christ". An average, normal observer would consider it an act of vandalism, as Polish users pointed out.

There is another mural in the sanctuary depicting a slaughtered lamb with blood splattered on it. The shape of this second splatter represents a map of the world.


"At the entrance to the chapel, some red paint, which looks like blood spatter, represent "the Blood of Christ""
According to the inscription above: "The Most Precious Blood of Christ".
So if they treat like that the most precious good I wonder how they treat much, much cheaper things. Cars or food for example.
Jeffrey Ade
@chris griffin Yes! What's up with that?
chris griffin
The priest in the black should NOT be smiling at sin.
Jeffrey Ade
I get it now, his grandchildren did the painting!
The Precious Blood devotion is being encouraged in such a way that it looks like an attempt to perhaps distract us from other, older, more important devotions; to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart...
Deary me. The art there is seriously disturbing. Whoever signed off on that design needs help or a lock up.
Christopher Shahrazade
If the splattered paint made to look like blood was vandalism, then it's a crime. If it was intentional and part of the chapel, then it's just plain sick. SICK!!