
Francis Wants "Always to Forgive" in Non-Existing Novus Ordo Confession

During his 30 hours trip to Marseille, France, Francis urged the clergy on September 22 to follow his false mercy ideology and “always” grant absolution in confession, apparently even when there is no repentance or intention to change. “In the sacrament of Penance always forgive, forgive! Be generous as God is generous with us. Forgive!”- Francis said. He must be living in a different universe, as confession has become a dead sacrament in the Novus Ordo.


Sometimes I think Francis is living in unreality - unrepentant sinners DO NOT go to confession!!
Fr Dan
Absolution given to someone with no contrition,perfect or imperfect, and ??
no purpose of ammendment??
Why in heavens name would they even step into a confessional.
Such a confession would be totally and completely invalid.
Out of habit or to ease their guilt. What the old folks used to call “putting a bandaid on their consciences.“ They don’t understand it as a Sacrament, nor do they know how Sacraments actually function. So in their minds they’ve done all they really need to do just by going in to the Confessional Booth and verbalizing certain of their sins to a Priest. The whole concept of genuine “contrition” …More
Out of habit or to ease their guilt. What the old folks used to call “putting a bandaid on their consciences.“ They don’t understand it as a Sacrament, nor do they know how Sacraments actually function. So in their minds they’ve done all they really need to do just by going in to the Confessional Booth and verbalizing certain of their sins to a Priest. The whole concept of genuine “contrition” along with “purpose of amendment” is totally foreign to their thinking. Such a thing never occurs to them. And if it did, they would not regard it as necessary.
Hardly anyone goes to Confession in the Novus Order, and Confession is usually offered on Sat for a 30-min time slot. How about applying that forgiveness to TLM Catholics Francis?
What does TLM Catholics need forgiveness for? What have they done?
Fr Dan
I'm N.O. and my confession lines are very full, over an hour on sat and I'm available through the week. People have a true sorrow for sin and make good purpose of ammendment.
@Fr Dan You're blessed, my experience is 15 minutes or "by appointment" which most take to mean "Don't bother me, unless you've done something really bad" As a matter of fact, I've heard priests complain that people who confess minor faults are scrupulous, and are using up the time for the actual sinners (though who those people are isn't defined).
Arthur McGowan
"Minor faults" are definitely not all sins in most instances. People should not feel compelled to confess EVERY venial sin, let alone every "minor fault." If they feel COMPELLED, they actually are scrupulous.
@SonoftheChurch - Bergoglio's past comments of TLM Catholics is uncharitable. TLM Catholics haven't done anything, but to be faithful to the teaching Magisterium of the Church. I guess a better word would be tolerant. Of course there are exceptions in the Novus Ordo, and I have gone to confession to N.O. priest who are very good Confessors. I’ve only met a few priests who have real discernment and …More
@SonoftheChurch - Bergoglio's past comments of TLM Catholics is uncharitable. TLM Catholics haven't done anything, but to be faithful to the teaching Magisterium of the Church. I guess a better word would be tolerant. Of course there are exceptions in the Novus Ordo, and I have gone to confession to N.O. priest who are very good Confessors. I’ve only met a few priests who have real discernment and are able to identify sinners who have a firm purpose of amendment and true contrition, and who are sincere in amending their lives.
@Arthur McGowan the nuns taught us back in the day that it's salutary to make devotional confessions where one confesses venial sins frequently, since Christians should be aware of their sinfulness and live a life of contrition (fruit of the 1st Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary). And this was good advice for us children because it hard to think of an instance where a child commits willful mortalMore
@Arthur McGowan the nuns taught us back in the day that it's salutary to make devotional confessions where one confesses venial sins frequently, since Christians should be aware of their sinfulness and live a life of contrition (fruit of the 1st Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary). And this was good advice for us children because it hard to think of an instance where a child commits willful mortal sin. It was the modernist theologians of the post-Vatican II era that confused things by saying that if is difficult - even rare - to commit grave sin [the whole fundamental option notion]. The result = hardly anyone goes to confession & children even are encouraged to have their first Communion years before learning about how to make a good confession. So no, the sacrament isn't only for people who commit mortal sins, only that those people are REQUIRED to avail themselves of it if they want to receive the Eucharist.
English Catholic
In the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador - which are for these times - Our Lady said "“Unhappy, the children of those times! Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. As for the sacrament of Penance, they will confess only while attending Catholic schools, which the devil will do his utmost to destroy by means of persons …More
In the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador - which are for these times - Our Lady said "“Unhappy, the children of those times! Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. As for the sacrament of Penance, they will confess only while attending Catholic schools, which the devil will do his utmost to destroy by means of persons in authority." Our Lady of Good Success Page
“Be generous as God is generous.” God is generous. He holds out his nail pierced hands to you regardless of your state or sin. You have to turn from your sin to take his hand. Consumed in your pride and lusts, you can neither see nor grasp His hand.
I had a dream that I visited the Vatican in Rome and Luther was sitting on the papal throne. When will this nightmare end?
P. O'B
And Luther was more Catholic than Francis is.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Using that thinking, Hitler should be forgiven for his atrocities, Mao likewise, the Nazis, Genghis Khan, the slaugtering of Armenian Christians going on now, the killing of policemen, all murderers, rapists, terrorists, pedophiles, sex perverts, everybody is forgiven. Using that thinking, if we're all forgiven, why bother going to confession at all.
Thinking like Francis is why so many , especially …More
Using that thinking, Hitler should be forgiven for his atrocities, Mao likewise, the Nazis, Genghis Khan, the slaugtering of Armenian Christians going on now, the killing of policemen, all murderers, rapists, terrorists, pedophiles, sex perverts, everybody is forgiven. Using that thinking, if we're all forgiven, why bother going to confession at all.
Thinking like Francis is why so many , especially young people, don't go. And also people who don't go anymore.