
Milan's Novus Ordo Archbishop Calls Homosexuality "Love"

The homosexualist Mario Delpini who is employed as "Milan Archbishop" (5M Catholics), pays “particularly delicate attention” to understanding the "experience of love" and the "different nuances of attraction", of "both to people of different genders and to people of the same gender.” This statement is contained in alleged pastoral guidelines (“Viviamo di una vita ricevuta”) published on ChiesaDiMilano.it (September 15).

LaNuovaBq.it notes that Delpini “fully embraces" the line drawn by the homosex lobby that has now taken command of the Council Church.


Why is it these awful smirking Cardinals/Bishops - remind me of Sir Hiss from Disney's Robin Hood? Especially, when he is wearing his red hat! 🙏
Wilma Lopez shares this
Archbishop of Europe’s largest archdiocese on "experience of love" and homosexual attraction
“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” - C.S. Lewis
We know the story. For example propagated by The Bee Gees: ▶️ The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart - Official Trailer
De Profundis
There will be many fabulous things to "come out" of the synod. 😉
I’d say some have “come out” already….😉 😂 🤪
The resemblance is striking in appearance but in intelligence more like a Sloth.
Wilma Lopez
"I hope it is a typo"
@myunkie one can only do what Catholics have always done when faced with a bad bishop or priest. Ignore them and keep to the orthodox Catholic Faith!
Louis IX
Call out their scandal. Correct them. Warn others.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
bad bishop, priest...or Pope! 🤪 🤪 😂
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Any bishop, archbishop or Cardinal (or Pope), who spends so much time writing positive comments, letters, speeches, directives about the issue of homosexuality and homosexual "love"....must be a homosexual themselves. Good and faithful Catholics know that sodomy/homosex is a sin and an abomination before God. There have been homo clergy, bishops, cardinals, and perhaps even Popes before in the …More
Any bishop, archbishop or Cardinal (or Pope), who spends so much time writing positive comments, letters, speeches, directives about the issue of homosexuality and homosexual "love"....must be a homosexual themselves. Good and faithful Catholics know that sodomy/homosex is a sin and an abomination before God. There have been homo clergy, bishops, cardinals, and perhaps even Popes before in the history of the Church..........but never has it been openly celebrated with pastoral letters like this from Delphini and others---such as the German bishops. It has always been condemned for what it is, grave sin and disordered.
Any priests.bishop, cardinal or Pope who instead writes letters speaking about homosexuality (homo love) in a strongly positive way, must be a homo themselves.
I cannot help but suspect the same.
What do you do when the “good bishops” are silent and the “bad bishops” have abandoned the faith completely?