
Arecibo: Francis Used Spy to Fire Faithful Bishop

Bishop Álvaro Corrada del Río, the Apostolic Administrator of Arecibo Diocese told priests during a meeting that Francis sent at least one cardinal as a "secret" apostolic visitator before ousting …More
Bishop Álvaro Corrada del Río, the Apostolic Administrator of Arecibo Diocese told priests during a meeting that Francis sent at least one cardinal as a "secret" apostolic visitator before ousting faithful Arecibo Bishop Fernández Torres, ACIPrensa.com (April 28) writes.
Francis fired Fernández in March without trial while simultaneously promoting heretics. His snitch was Chicago Cardinal Cupich who in October 2021 was in Puerto Rico for Catholic Extension which helps dioceses in difficulty.
According to ACIPrensa.com, Fernández was dismissed because he refused to send his seminarians to an interdiocesan Seminary and – in accordance with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - criticised Francis’ Covid injection ideology.
A priest commented, "If they did that to the bishop, imagine what they did to us."
Ursula Sankt shares this
Francis employed a wicked spy to get rif of a good bishop (Torres is against the abortion-tainted injections, while Cupich is a Pfizer fanatic)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Wish Pope Francis had more than his knee to worry about. Knee pain.....big deal.
Louis IX
Any news on the whereabouts of Bishop Torres?