
Arecibo Bishop: Why Francis Took Vengeance

Arecibo Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres, Puerto Rico, whom Francis recently removed without giving a reason, was the only Puerto Rico bishop who refused to persecute the Roman Mass and to sign a corresponding "ban."

However, the Puerto Rico bishops communicated that all bishops had signed the unjust edict while CruxNow.com (March 9) reported that Fernández did not. He also defended the right of healing homosexuals.

Fernández led Arecibo Diocese for twelve years. He also opposed Francis' dogma of forced covid injections.


Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus heeft deze zaak dus weer opgelicht.
Mary Patricia Schwarz shares this
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This cartoon, although accurate, shows the wrong response. Rather than fleeing, or bowing and obeying like cowards, faithful and traditional Catholics should do as the early followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did in the early 1970's. Objecting to the growing liturgical abuses born of the reforms of Vatican II, a thousand or more faithful occupied the church of St. Nicholas du Chardonet in Paris …More
This cartoon, although accurate, shows the wrong response. Rather than fleeing, or bowing and obeying like cowards, faithful and traditional Catholics should do as the early followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did in the early 1970's. Objecting to the growing liturgical abuses born of the reforms of Vatican II, a thousand or more faithful occupied the church of St. Nicholas du Chardonet in Paris, and camped out there, celebrating the TLM every day. Eventually, Church authorities gave up it was given to them. It is still an SSPX church today.
The point is, rather than give up and flee, or bow and obey a tyrant anti-Pope 100% heretic like Francis and his people, turn around and either tell them to go to H---, or join the SSPX. Dozens of priests in Europe are already doing that....walking off their posts as pastors or curates in parishes in France, Poland, Spain, Germany, England, and joining the SSPX. Seminarians likewise are quitting, and/or joining the SSPX. So don't run. DON'T OBEY FRANCIS. Treat him and his people the same way they are treating you. They are no legitimate authorities, and Francis is no legitimate Pope.
Angelo Santelli
In Brooklyn, NY, the phrase used is "take him out."