
For a Change: Francis "Distances" Himself From German Synod

Francis received on March 28 for 45 minutes the Presiding Polish Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki who raised concerns about the ongoing German Synod.

Later, Gądecki said on Episkopat.pl that Francis was briefed on the difficulties caused by the Synod's issues (homosexualism, anti-celibacy, invalid priestesses) and “distanced himself from the initiative.”

In June 2021, after Francis had received the presiding German bishop Georg Bätzing, Bätzing stated that Francis encouraged the German Synod.


Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus spreek dus weer niet de waarheid.
andreas adi
hmmm. "social distance" or religious distance?
Sally Dorman shares this
The president of the Polish bishops, +Gadecki, spoke to Francis about the German Church’s Synodal Way and “difficulties” caused by it for the universal Church. “Francis distances himself from this initiative,” the Polish bishops’ statement says
He always says what his audience wants to hear
@Dr Bobus Francis DOES look kind of ill, come to think. While Catholics might not HOPE for Pope Francis'death. breathing a long-overdue sigh of relief is only natural.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think for some people (more than afew) to admit that Francis looks ill, is a major achievement. He is very ill. But for a lot of these people, and on other sites as well...Francis can do no wrong. He is their hero, their champion. To say that he looks ill, or is infact dying is anathema to them. But he will be gone very,very soon, and they will all be leaderless, for the new Pope will not side …More
I think for some people (more than afew) to admit that Francis looks ill, is a major achievement. He is very ill. But for a lot of these people, and on other sites as well...Francis can do no wrong. He is their hero, their champion. To say that he looks ill, or is infact dying is anathema to them. But he will be gone very,very soon, and they will all be leaderless, for the new Pope will not side with them. Boo hoo.
Dr Bobus
As death approaches, Francis is attempting to improve his image by distancing himself from his own policies and to manipulate the next conclave.
It won't work. He is shrewd but lacks prudenceMore
As death approaches, Francis is attempting to improve his image by distancing himself from his own policies and to manipulate the next conclave.

It won't work. He is shrewd but lacks prudence
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Tagle won't be elected. IN the recent Corial re-shuffle, he was basically demoted. His congregation is now 2, with the other prefect, Fischiella, given precedence over Tagle, even though he isn't even a Cardinal. Also, Tagle is disliked by large parts of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I mean curia reshuffle above. Roman coorrespondants were stunned by the shake-up, and what they thinks look like a demotion for Tagle. He won't be elected.
Angelo Santelli
Report: Pope’s Contradictions Explain Vatican’s ‘Growing Irrelevance’
The atheists must be loving this. Jorge's "self-contradictions" are simply his lies.More
Report: Pope’s Contradictions Explain Vatican’s ‘Growing Irrelevance’

The atheists must be loving this. Jorge's "self-contradictions" are simply his lies.
Wilma Lopez
Forget money, fame, success - and the German Synodal Way. This is a very rich life.
@Wilma Lopez "Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone. But how far away that future may be, there is no knowing. It might be a thousand years. At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little. We cannot act collectively. We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual, generation …More
@Wilma Lopez "Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone. But how far away that future may be, there is no knowing. It might be a thousand years. At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little. We cannot act collectively. We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual, generation after generation." -George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four.
All smoke and mirrors. Bergoglio's way is the Synodal way. (A.K.A. the destruction of Catholicism).
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes, POpe Francis and his surrogates (the German bishops and cardinals) are vipers, ready to inject their Synodal poison into the life of the Catholic Church in the hopes of bringing the True Church down and replacing it with the "synodal way" of their dreams. I think they will fail, because just when they think they have achieved all their goals under Francis, in a heartbeat he will be GONE, and …More
Yes, POpe Francis and his surrogates (the German bishops and cardinals) are vipers, ready to inject their Synodal poison into the life of the Catholic Church in the hopes of bringing the True Church down and replacing it with the "synodal way" of their dreams. I think they will fail, because just when they think they have achieved all their goals under Francis, in a heartbeat he will be GONE, and a pope totally the opposite to Francis and not to their liking with give them the attention they rightly deserve.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think the Cardinals will be sick of Francis, his agenda, and the wreckage of the Church he and his people have caused, especially the Germans and their "Synodal way". I think perhaps there are two options. Tagle won't be elected, because early on he was seen as Francis' favorite boy,and drew a lot of hatred to himself by being seen as the "crown-prince". IN the recent remodeling of the Roman Curia …More
I think the Cardinals will be sick of Francis, his agenda, and the wreckage of the Church he and his people have caused, especially the Germans and their "Synodal way". I think perhaps there are two options. Tagle won't be elected, because early on he was seen as Francis' favorite boy,and drew a lot of hatred to himself by being seen as the "crown-prince". IN the recent remodeling of the Roman Curia, Tagle's former Congregation for Evangelization was transformed into two branches....one for Tagle, and one for Archbishop Salvatore Fischiella, with dominance/precedence given to Fischiella. So it was a demotion of sorts to Tagle.
So option one is to select a Cardinal from Europe (and dislike of Francis and his agenda runs deep among many Cardinals, so it won't be one of the handful of Italians, like Zuppi who is a Francis clone), or the Archbishop of Milan who I hope is never a CArdinal. Instead, they might pick someone from Hungary(Erdo), or Netherlands (Eijk), both of whom are strongly orthodox, favorable to the TLM and Catholic tradition, and have no liking for Francis agenda. Another option in Africa, and the very highly esteemed Cardinal Sarah (unfortunatly he's old). A very daring pick would be the equally high regarded Cardinal Burke of the USA. But there are also sveral lesser known names who are surprisingly orthodox and favorable to the TLM, even though they are Francis appointees. A really brave pick wold be to chose someone who was denied the Cardinal's hat because Francis personally disliked their orthodoxy....someone like the current Patriarch of Venice, or a very well regarded traditional man who is an Archbishop in Kazakhstan.
Francis has alienated so many, scandalized so many with his agenda and pronouncements and dictates against Catholic tradition, that no one like him will be elected again.