
"Synodality": Francis REMOVES Bishop As If He Were an Altar Boy

Francis removed the irreprochable Arecibo Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres, 57, Puerto Rico, on March 9.

In an August 17 statement, Fernández had defended the human right to object to unsafe Covid injections. Days later, he refused to sign a statement of the other six Puerto Rican Covid bishops who claimed that to be injected is "a duty."

After complaints from the Covid bishops, the Nuncio requested Fernández to resign as if the bishop were only administrators and not fathers of their diocese. Fernández refused on grounds of conscience. So, he was called to the Vatican, but - irony of fate - didn't want to travel during the Covid-19 panic.

Aciprensa.com also reports that Fernández refused to transfer his seminarians to the [Modernist] Interdiocesan Puerto Rico Seminary, approved by the Vatican in March 2020.

Fernández is the second bishop in this pontificate to be removed without first offering his resignation. The first was Rogelio Livieres (+2015), Paraguay.


Louis IX
Just this week read about a bishop in Germany demanding the Church change its teaching on sodomy and another in Latin America who claimed that Baptism is not necessary for salvation. What will become of them>
Absolutely zip. Error doesn't bother Francis, only disobedience to his own agenda.
la verdad prevalece
While Bergoglio does not open a canonical process to his protected Argentine homosexual predators.
Vincent Capuano
Well better to be judged deficient by Bergoglio than by the Eternal King. Better to defend the rights of man than submit to the corona scam. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice.
Jan Joseph
Moedige bisschoppen. Wanneer wordt door de andere bischoppen paus Franciscus afgezet? Of wordt het tijd voor een schisma?
Ramon L Rios
It truly saddens me this unjust action. Bishop Fernandez importance for us here in Puerto Rico goes beyond the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Bishop Fernandez is the only Bishop who does not bow down to the leftist anti American pro independence bishops in the island. The leftist pro independence is only 3% in the island but some how have taken control of 90% of the native born clergy. This is the work …More
It truly saddens me this unjust action. Bishop Fernandez importance for us here in Puerto Rico goes beyond the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Bishop Fernandez is the only Bishop who does not bow down to the leftist anti American pro independence bishops in the island. The leftist pro independence is only 3% in the island but some how have taken control of 90% of the native born clergy. This is the work of the leftist pro same sex marriage, pro transgender bishops of San Juan, Ponce and Caguas. Archbishop Roberto Nieves has an agenda against basically 97% of his flock who is not pro independence. Personally I don’t attend any church where there is a Puertorican priest because chances are is a leftist heretic priest. Also Bishop Fernandez fired another 7 priests who had been accused of immortality specifically homosexual acts, and Pope Francis reinstated all of them. Now they are in other dioceses. Please pray for us in Puerto Rico for our church for Bishop Fernandez whose only offense was to be a pastor to all people and held priests accountable to inmoral acts.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis is a heretic, and he only tolerates fellow heretics. His Synod of Synodality will be nothing but heresy. His symposium on the priesthood was filled with heretics, especially Cardinal Ouellett. This bishop was a good man, and not a heretic. For all his work to ruin the Church, I still believe that Francis will be succeeded by a man (not necessarilly a cardinal) totally the opposite to him, …More
Francis is a heretic, and he only tolerates fellow heretics. His Synod of Synodality will be nothing but heresy. His symposium on the priesthood was filled with heretics, especially Cardinal Ouellett. This bishop was a good man, and not a heretic. For all his work to ruin the Church, I still believe that Francis will be succeeded by a man (not necessarilly a cardinal) totally the opposite to him, a very traditional man. All the work of Francis will be for nothing..
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori when confronted with the subject of heresy, it is our duty as baptized Catholics to call out a heretic.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That is why we call out Francis. I understand what Michael Newman says, but the times for covering up for Francis should be over for all faithful Catholics. He and his people are heretics. The best way to deal with them is to call them out to their face, disobey them, rebel against them, print Catholic truth to counter them, and about all, promote and celebrate all that they are against....Catholic …More
That is why we call out Francis. I understand what Michael Newman says, but the times for covering up for Francis should be over for all faithful Catholics. He and his people are heretics. The best way to deal with them is to call them out to their face, disobey them, rebel against them, print Catholic truth to counter them, and about all, promote and celebrate all that they are against....Catholic tradition, the Latin Mass, devotions. All that they hate, we love. And we should foster and promote it to such an extent that they are unable to stop it. Also, we must make known to these cardinals now, and when it is time that they elect another Pope, that we want a Catholic pope who loves tradition....not a heretic who degrades it, and promotes homosexuality and other evils.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Brace yourself for the next Papacy, which is Antonio Cardinal Tagle" I certainly hope not. There practically is no Catholic Church left. He will finish it off. I've seen pictures of him. God forbid if he's elected Pope, he'll make his first appearance on the balcony in a t-shirt with a cross hanging around his neck. He'll never be Pope. He's disliked by too much. I'd like to see Sarah as Pope....…More
"Brace yourself for the next Papacy, which is Antonio Cardinal Tagle" I certainly hope not. There practically is no Catholic Church left. He will finish it off. I've seen pictures of him. God forbid if he's elected Pope, he'll make his first appearance on the balcony in a t-shirt with a cross hanging around his neck. He'll never be Pope. He's disliked by too much. I'd like to see Sarah as Pope.....even Mueller. Best of all Burke. Wouldn't that be a shock...a good one.
That is not right ,According to real scientists this Bishop is correct in defending human right to object the injection
Hound of Heaven
11th Commandment -Thou shalt take the Covid-19 shot. Henceforth, the Catechism of the Catholic Church will be in binder form so that additional Bergoglian requirements may be added as necessary and previously orthodox dogma expunged.