Gloria.TV News on the 14th of July 2015 Good Communist Faith: During his flight back from South America to Rome, Pope Francis called the controversial hammer-and-sickle-cross he received from Bolivia’s …More
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of July 2015
Good Communist Faith: During his flight back from South America to Rome, Pope Francis called the controversial hammer-and-sickle-cross he received from Bolivia’s president an “art of protest” which for Francis is “no offence”. Father Espinal, a hard-core Communist, who produced the cross, was according to Francis a “special man gifted with great human geniality, who was fighting in good faith”. Francis also stated that he left the controversial cross in Bolivia so that it would not end up in a museum and – quote - “nobody sees it”.
The Church Will Be Forced: For Churches that won’t perform homosex weddings, insurance begins to look iffy. The Southern Mutual Insurance Company has denying coverage if a church is sued for refusing to perform a homosex wedding. The Iowa Civil Rights Commission has already declared that prohibitions against discrimination on homosex issues “sometimes” apply to churches and has stated that a “church service open to the …More
Noticias en Español
«If “actions speak louder than words,” as the saying goes, the message of Francis on homosexuality is increasingly confusing. www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/pope-francis-an…
adeste fideles
The truth is the path to freedom...
Gloria Tv; the more catholic, the better !
God blesses you ! amén.
Glory to God 🤗More
The truth is the path to freedom...
Gloria Tv; the more catholic, the better !
God blesses you ! amén.

Glory to God 🤗
It is not correct that this user @Noticias en Español has blocked the entries in the news in Spanish and also in your account is BLOCKED more than 20 people who at some point express to disagree with some news.
Is this freedom of the press that promotes gloria.tv? ✍️ 😲 🤗
Chris P.
Senator John McCain has never been right wing as long as he has been in public office based upon his public voting record. His was a deception to be elected and reelected.
Chris P.
The OBAMA Administration (US Government) is forcing all to support: ABORTION, CONTRACEPTION, and SODOMY MARRIAGE (all intrinsic evils) through Taxation and Rules.
The real question is: will the USCCB's - CRS, Catholic Charities, and CCHD - all who apply for and receive government Grants choose Money or the Catholic Faith ?
All those who obtain Government Grants must adhere to the government RULES …More
The OBAMA Administration (US Government) is forcing all to support: ABORTION, CONTRACEPTION, and SODOMY MARRIAGE (all intrinsic evils) through Taxation and Rules.

The real question is: will the USCCB's - CRS, Catholic Charities, and CCHD - all who apply for and receive government Grants choose Money or the Catholic Faith ?
All those who obtain Government Grants must adhere to the government RULES - including support for intrinsic evils.

The USCCB charities obtain approx. $63 MILLION dollars each year in US Government Grants.
One more comment from Chris P.
Chris P.
Communism, Marxism, and all forms of Collectivism violate the Catholic Faith - per the CCC.
This DCOTRINE of the FAITH must be stated publically and taught by the Pope.
Leonard Wessell
Pardon, in the 4th line from the bottom of my posting below I accidentally wrote "simple" instead of "symbol". Why? Only Francis knows.
Leonard Wessell
Based solely upon Gloria.tv's report, I think it worth noting that Francis' is willing to accept the "art of protest" as of "no offense" if the person protesting is a "special man gifted with great human geniality, who was fighting in good faith". All such terms refer to psychological qualities of a personality applicable to individuals fighting for different causes, i.e., it is content neutral (or …More
Based solely upon Gloria.tv's report, I think it worth noting that Francis' is willing to accept the "art of protest" as of "no offense" if the person protesting is a "special man gifted with great human geniality, who was fighting in good faith". All such terms refer to psychological qualities of a personality applicable to individuals fighting for different causes, i.e., it is content neutral (or seems to be). Francis applies this materially empty qualification to a "hard-core Communist" who happened to be a priest. In principle, such geniality could be evident in other contexts. For instance, similar events took place during the Bolshevique Revolution in which some Orthodox priests shifted sides and persecuted believing priests to death, but maintaining their "good faith" to improve the lot of the marginalized and oppressed poor of Russia and using the very hammer and sickle symbol that evidently also inspired that "genial" living Catholic oxymoron, a Communist-priest, who has so moved Pope Francis to utter praise and, I believe, to pray at his grave. I would suspect that Pope Francis, if he were to be consistent, would praise those Russian traitor priests that fought under Lenin and Trotsky and also Stalin. --And one can go back further to the French Revolution for similar priestly switching sides and killing the non-switching priests. -- I note that Francis should praise such murderous priests if he were consistent (although I do doubt that such integrity belongs to his personality). The reason is simple: If helping the "poor and marginalized" is so decisive as it seems to be for Pope Francis, certainly the Russian working class, not to mention the centuries-long suffering Russian peasantry, had praise claims equal to anything or anyone from South America. If a living oxymoron, Communist-priest, with geniality of artistic protest expressing his belief with THE Boloshevik symbol is praiseworthy, then the Orthodox Communist-priests, involved in mass murder, yet of good faith desiring help the "poor and marginalized" (Pope Francis' specific vocabulary), should ALSO bring Francis to tears of praise. From my point of view and in plain American English, Pope Francis is a con-man selling snake-oil with his attempt to justify his praise for a symbol entailing in its essence an atheistic and murderous meaning. The Marxist dramatist, Bertolt Brecht, formulated in 1930 the lesson of his drama Die Maßnahme/The Measure Taken in these words. "Reach down and embrace the butcher, but change the world it needs it." The dramatic genius, Brecht, seeking to liberate the poor and marginalized, expressed in artistic form THE moral lesson of Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism (which can be traced from Marx through Lenin into Stalin as I and others have done), namely, be a "BUTCHER/ Schlächter", just change the world, and the symbol was a the time the hammer and sickle of the USSR, the very simple that Pope Francis has present to the Blessed Virgin (whose statues and icons were destroyed in Russia under the hammer and sickle. Modifying "By their fruits, you shall know them", I assert re Pope Francis: "By his praise, you shall know him". (And personally I do not want to know him and now fear him. His praise worthy friends might kill me.)

Regarding the moral integrity of Pope Francis, I borrow a term from Zola, namely: J'accuse!
Noticias en Español
"Una buena Fe Comunista":
Durante su vuelo de regreso de América del Sur a Roma, Francisco llamó a la controvertida cruz martillo-hoz que recibió del presidente de Bolivia un "arte de protesta", que para Francisco "no es ofensiva". El Padre Espinal, un radical Comunista, quien ideó la cruz, fue de acuerdo a Francisco un "hombre especial dotado con gran genialidad humana, que estaba luchando de …More
"Una buena Fe Comunista":
Durante su vuelo de regreso de América del Sur a Roma, Francisco llamó a la controvertida cruz martillo-hoz que recibió del presidente de Bolivia un "arte de protesta", que para Francisco "no es ofensiva". El Padre Espinal, un radical Comunista, quien ideó la cruz, fue de acuerdo a Francisco un "hombre especial dotado con gran genialidad humana, que estaba luchando de buena fe". Francisco también indicó que él se llevó consigo la polémica cruz de Bolivia para que no terminaría en un museo donde - "nadie lo vería ".