
Viganò: Francis Uses Deceit to Subject Church To The World

Francis ministry has been “divisive and destructive,” Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò observed on LifeSiteNews.com (November 21).

The former Vatican diplomate understood that Francis' strategy is “camouflaged by deceit and lies" and "concealed by silence.”

The Pachamama Synod is according to him part of a "vast project developed under the aegis of the UN" and "supported by the great financial and Masonic powers.” He notices that the UN is indoctrinating children with Pachamama propaganda.

Viganò stresses that everything fits together: A false science founded on climate alarmism, an ideology focusing on "Mother Earth" instead of man, a theory that God "wills" false religions, and Pachamama sacrileges in the Vatican.

Thus, the Church is lending itself as a sounding board for an anti-Christic ideology, subjects herself to the "powerful forces that dominate the world" and aim at establishing of a "World Government.”


Pope needs to open his eyes and realize how much he is damaging the Church and the faithful people
This is the project of new world religion officially proposed from the Church of Rome to the whole world in the video message of the Roman pontiff, maliciously distributed on 6 January 2016, Feast of the Epiphany - so at least for true Christians - Feast of the manifestation of Christ, the Son of God, to all peoples. A house that is no longer home, which wants to bring everyone together in appearance …More
This is the project of new world religion officially proposed from the Church of Rome to the whole world in the video message of the Roman pontiff, maliciously distributed on 6 January 2016, Feast of the Epiphany - so at least for true Christians - Feast of the manifestation of Christ, the Son of God, to all peoples. A house that is no longer home, which wants to bring everyone together in appearance, in propaganda, www.youtube.com/watch
Yes Vigano, now tell those spineless bishops how they are accomplices to Bergoglio's crimes and that they must confront Bergoglio and hold him responsible! 😡
Everything he has said is true. Even not calling Francis "Pope."