
Slovakia: Cardinal Burke Invited By Old Rite-Friendly Archbishop

Cardinal Raymond Burke celebrated a November 16 Old Rite Pontifical High Mass in Saint Nicholas church, Trnava, Slovakia.

The organisation Nadácia Slovakia Christiana published excellent pictures of the liturgy celebrated in presence of Trnava Archbishop Ján Orosch. Gloria.tv learned that some time ago, Orosch started to celebrate the Old Latin Mass in private.

Burke visited Trnava between November 15 and 18 during a famous local novena (November 13 to 21) which honours a miraculous image of Our Lady in Saint Nicholas church.

The picture wept blood in 1663 when Trnava was threatened by the Turks, and in 1710 it saved Trnava from the plague.


Frà Alexis Bugnolo
I cannot imagine he will be getting any invitations soon. Who would want someone who is willing to concelebrate with an idolater or heretic?
This Archbishop should be invited by traditional Catholic Mass groups:
"Gloria.tv learned that some time ago, Orosch started to celebrate the Old Latin Mass in private."
Maybe they will convince him to stand for Christ and his Holy Church and condemn the evil clown.