Francis Is a Saint: Programme Suspended over "Tasteless" Comment

Father Francisco José Delgado, a priest of the Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain, who hosts the online channel "La Sacristía de la Vendée" ("The Sacristy of the Vendée"), has suspended the programme "until …More
Father Francisco José Delgado, a priest of the Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain, who hosts the online channel "La Sacristía de la Vendée" ("The Sacristy of the Vendée"), has suspended the programme "until further notice".
The cancellation follows a controversy sparked by what the priest Delgado described as "a comment in bad taste".
He had said on 22 February that Francis should "go to heaven as soon as possible". This comment was indeed in "bad taste" because it assumed that Francis was "a saint".
Father Delgado said during a live broadcast on 6 March that "after much reflection and of our own free will, not wanting to put our bishops in the position of having to make a difficult decision that would give victory to our enemies, we have decided to make a strategic retreat".
On 28 February, the Archdiocese of Toledo demanded an apology from the priest. He had obeyed.
Francis himself is not known for his good taste, for example when he repeatedly called people - to take just one example - "…More