
Francis Performs Assisi 3.0: Buzzwords and False Statements

Francis led an ecumenical prayer for "peace" in Santa Maria in Aracoeli Basilica, Rome, on October 20, wearing for the first time a mask in public.

The founder of Sant’Egidio Community, Andrea Riccardi, wore a mask with uncovered nose which makes masks even more useless.

According to VaticanNews.va, a Buddhist prayer was simultaneously held in a Catholic church, and a Sikh prayer in a Franciscan convent.

The President of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, famous for having removed a pectoral cross together with Munich Cardinal Marx in Jerusalem in 2016, exploited the meeting to press for Protestant Communion. Overusing the "I," he insisted that a “unity at the table of the Lord in my own lifetime is my very own personal dream." It would be enough for him to become a Catholic to have his alleged desire fulfilled.

Quoting Benedict XVI, Francis said that “the Cross makes us brothers and sisters.” At the end, he imparted a cripple blessing by which he only blessed himself (video below).

The ecumenical part was followed by an openair inter-religious prayer on a stage. A Sikh representative contradicted Francis’ statement about the Cross by saying that “the highest religion is to cultivate universal brotherhood.”

Francis’ speech contained his habitual buzzwords and included nonsense statements like “one’s problems are the problems of all” or “no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together.”


God deliver us from this lewd atheist.
J G Tasan
They just made a good show about it! 🥱 😴 😤
All the Assis gatherings are based on ecumenical B.S. whether it be Francis Benedict xvi or JPII hosting it, all based on lies I don't believe any word that was mentioned whenever there was an Assis meeting. To accept any part of the Assis meetings regardless who hosted them is like trying to drink a glass of water without drinking the poison put into it, and in all the Assis meetings the only …More
All the Assis gatherings are based on ecumenical B.S. whether it be Francis Benedict xvi or JPII hosting it, all based on lies I don't believe any word that was mentioned whenever there was an Assis meeting. To accept any part of the Assis meetings regardless who hosted them is like trying to drink a glass of water without drinking the poison put into it, and in all the Assis meetings the only catholic representative there as the head of the faith, the pope, as all the other religions had their representatives. So one could say that if there were 10 people there representing their faith then only 10% was truthful which in itself is also wrong and a lie because the pope whoever that may have been conducting a religious meeting like that is stating that they all have equal merit, yes even in truth, hence the lie. Therefore the Assis meetings, are lies and nothing but lies, and what is the purpose of lies, if not to sow confusion.
Hugh N. Cry
I resist Francis.
Here is Andrea Riccardi
Holy Cannoli
Ivan Tomas
Wat een stelletje klojo's!
Can anyone identify this pagan shrine in the photo at the top of this article? I must admit that this is the perfect setting for Jorge the Apostate's performances.