
Homosex Religion: EU-Regime Teaches Young Men “How to Walk in High Heels”

The European Commission is paying for "drag queen" workshops for young men via the Erasmus+ programme dedicated to supporting “education,” the German MEP Nicolaus Fest has revealed. The Commission …More
The European Commission is paying for "drag queen" workshops for young men via the Erasmus+ programme dedicated to supporting “education,” the German MEP Nicolaus Fest has revealed.
The Commission regularly displays homosex flags on its buildings and social networks, and launched on June 1 - with the blessing of President Ursula von der Leyen – a "The future is queer" campaign.
In 2021, at least €220,000 have been awarded to "TransYouth", "Beyond Gender" and "Drag it up" to teach young men "how to walk in high heels.”
The homosex propaganda "Dragtivism" has received more than €105,000 between 2018 and 2022 to organise four ten-day sessions for about thirty teenagers from the age of sixteen.
Cynthia Marie Moulthrop
But they were doing it as a joke…
Jeffrey Ade
Cheech and Chong were doing that in the Eighties!