Francis Believes Our Lady “Unites” Christians and Muslims

During his visit to the Montorio prison in Verona on 18 May, Francis claimed that "the figure of Mary is a figure common to both Christianity and Islam".

He added of Our Lady that "she unites us all", which is not true since Islam denies that Our Lady is the Mother of God.

Raymond Ibrahim points out on (31 May) that the Vatican is trying to convince "Catholics" through conferences or publications that Islam is a "sister faith". To do this, it recasts biblical figures with entirely different, anti-biblical attributes.

For example, Islam presents the Virgin Mary as "married" to Muhammad in paradise. In a hadith included in the corpus of the famous Ibn Kathir (1300-1373), Muhammad declared that "Allah will marry me to Mary in Paradise".

Saint Eulogius of Cordoba, a bishop and martyr in Muslim-occupied Spain, wrote: "I will not repeat the sacrilege which that impure dog [Muhammad] dared to utter about the Blessed Virgin, Queen of the World, Holy Mother of our venerable Lord and Saviour. He claimed that he would deflower her in the next world".

Found guilty of speaking ill of Islam, Eulogius was publicly tortured and executed in Cordoba in 859.


Billy F
The Heresy of Indifferentism is LEGION in the Vatican!!! This wicked false ecumenical BS!
I'm no fan of divisive characterizations.
Reverence for The Blessed Mother IS a bridge by which to evangelize the pagan Muhammadans.
Consider the weight of the miracles of the sun wrought in conjunction with Our Lady of Fatima, "Fatima" of course being the revered (by them) name of Muhammad's daughter.More
I'm no fan of divisive characterizations.

Reverence for The Blessed Mother IS a bridge by which to evangelize the pagan Muhammadans.

Consider the weight of the miracles of the sun wrought in conjunction with Our Lady of Fatima, "Fatima" of course being the revered (by them) name of Muhammad's daughter.
Naomi Arai
Yeah, Mohammad -the murderer, thief, liar, rapist, and child molester-most likely in hell- is not the greatest man who ever lived. No, we have very little whatever in common with Islam, except what little they stole from us. Mohammad and his buddies USED our religion to subjugate people in conquest.
Father Karl A Claver
Our Lady would never be for remorseless people who ridicule Her Son.
All Saints
Francis believes there is no one in Hell either. So there’s that.