Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

Francis wrote a handwritten letter on 1 June to Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, 22, a history student from Florence who was expelled from the seminary of the diocese of La Spezia after revealing his homosexual temptations with which he identifies.

After Francis reportedly complained on 20 May about too many homosexual clerics and the need to expel even half-homosexual, effeminate men from the seminary, Caruso told his story to (29 May).

He also wrote a letter to Francis, who replied immediately. On Saturday, Francis wrote to Caruso:

"Do you know that clericalism is a plague? It is an ugly worldliness and, as a great theologian says, 'worldliness is the worst thing that can happen to the Church, even worse than the time of the concubine Popes'. Jesus calls everyone, everyone. Some people think that the Church is a customs office [where everybody is checked] and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation".

Caruso called Francis' response "beautiful": "The real Pope [Francis] is not the one we were led to believe. This letter gives me hope. The seminary is still a dream that has not been put aside".

Imagine if Caruso had written to Francis to complain that he had been expelled from the seminary for his love of the Holy Mass and the Latin liturgy.

Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsUoblgqcbbe

Jorge is a nut job, period!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope “writes to gay man rejected by seminary” 🇻🇦
Boanerges Boanerges
All of this was planned PR: from faggotry "leak", the apology and now this, all is just a stage to facilitate the plague of sodomy everywhere in the Church. Any comment from Mr. Sammons after false prophet doubles down on sodomy?
Bruceph Mildur
three things: 1) Bergoglio's is like a digestive tract. No matter what he puts in, what comes out is always the same. 2) Bergoglio is not the Pope. He is a poser, a pretender, a prima donna [and the reader may add other 'P' words without the need for entry here]. You cannot have two wives, two kings or two popes, period. And we did. Despite our lying eyes. 3) SonoftheChurch - go to the head of the …More
three things: 1) Bergoglio's is like a digestive tract. No matter what he puts in, what comes out is always the same. 2) Bergoglio is not the Pope. He is a poser, a pretender, a prima donna [and the reader may add other 'P' words without the need for entry here]. You cannot have two wives, two kings or two popes, period. And we did. Despite our lying eyes. 3) SonoftheChurch - go to the head of the class, take the rest of the year off, you've got A's in all subjects, and ought now be the recipient of 'Doctor of Letters'. A fundraising effort to erect a monument with your words carved upon it should be undertaken forthwith! Salutations!
Father Karl A Claver
When one does not have divine intimacy with all that is holy, that person is illogical and greatly confused, and thus his actions are immoral.
If this kid didn’t know it before, he’ll soon find out, that with this public proclamation of his proud embracement of sodomy, that vile Vatican gang of demonic dogs in Rome who call themselves Prelates and Princes of the Church, will hunt him down and bend him over faster than lightning striking a telephone pole. He just became fresh meat on the market, and whether he knows it or not, like a live …More
If this kid didn’t know it before, he’ll soon find out, that with this public proclamation of his proud embracement of sodomy, that vile Vatican gang of demonic dogs in Rome who call themselves Prelates and Princes of the Church, will hunt him down and bend him over faster than lightning striking a telephone pole. He just became fresh meat on the market, and whether he knows it or not, like a live turkey sighted and earmarked for Thanksgiving, this little attention-drawing stunt of his with Francis has only resulted in it being declared Open Season on his backside. Those lust-crazed, ravenous wolves scenting blood will beat a pathway day and night to wherever he’s ensconced, and throng at his door like flies on excrement. And during the entirety of his so-called seminary “formation” they’ll pass him around to each other like a platter of hot, buttered, freshly baked rolls at supper. He has placed himself on the road to perdition and will now be taken advantage of by the sodomy-loving dogs who rule the Church. For the rest of his vocational life (or at least while his youthful attraction lasts) his sexual submission to every degenerate that outranks him will be a nonnegotiable condition of his advancement. This will now be his satanic reality. And sadly, it is the long-standing reality for a huge percentage of those who enter Consecrated life and those who receive Holy Orders in Holy Mother Church. The Priesthood is a cesspool. It’s rotten to the core, and it’s going to REMAIN that way until Our Lord Himself divinely intervenes and raises up onto us a Holy Pope who is a faithful Shepherd and true Vicar of Christ. Such is our only hope of salvation, and what we must fast and pray desperately and continually for: a strong, fearless and brave Warrior-Pontiff with the sharp, invincible Sword of God held firmly in his hand, crowned and enthroned as the rightful Successor of Saint Peter and empowered with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to rule and reign unimpeded over the universal Church; who will, with relentless determination and irrepressible tenacity, implacable zeal and boundless vigor, boldly and courageously and without hesitation CLEANSE the Priesthood of its filth and purge it of the demons who now infest it and infect it with their unspeakable and unnatural pollutants. And not only the Priesthood, but a Pope who will rise up in righteousness, and being filled with blazing indignation (as was Our Lord when He overturned the tables of the criminal moneychangers and whipped them out of the Temple), will overthrow and cast down the work of Satan throughout the length and breadth of the whole Church and cure her of the demonic madness and malaise that sickens her to this very day, rooting out the cancer of abomination that lies at the very heart of the Holy See itself. Thus, confirming the Faith and bringing renewal and spiritual restoration to the Spouse of Christ, and ushering in again the beauty of holiness and the love of the truth, to the wonder of His greatness and the praise of His eternal glory. May it please God to make it so.
Simon North
It just occurred to me - this is days after Francis complained to the Bishops about faggotry in the seminaries? This guy's evil may have deteriorated into mental illness.
Tony M
No!!!.......he is playing us all and continues after 11 years to have many of you still guessing.... wakey, wakey!!!!!!! He is brilliantly executing the job the modernist, ecclesiastical freemasonic St Gallen Mafia Club assigned him to do!!! Awesome that he has so many of you still scrambling to understand what is going on. Jorge is a master at this game!!! Willful naivety is not a virtue!!!
Dr Bobus
@Simon North It has been obvious almost from the beginning of his papacy that Francis is a head case.
Dr Bobus
@Tony M The plan for implementing the St Gallen Mafia scheme came from Jesuits. So it wasn't necessary to assign Francis anything.
Francis is a bundle of discombobulated mixed messages and confusion.
Everyday for Life Canada
“Who am I to judge?” He and his enablers have never stopped judging.
Simon North
Francis has contradicted previous Church teaching on homosexuality and the priesthood - just as Vatican II and the post-conciliar counterfeit institution he heads has contradicted to no small degree the previous 2000 years of the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.