Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg is "somewhat irritated" by Francis' recent statement that women cannot be ordained deacons [or priests].

Mgr Bätzing was speaking at the launch of his book "Rome is not an Enemy. Why the Church Needs Reforms" on 27 May in Frankfurt. "Reform" in this context means "decadence".

Francis' statement was only made in an interview and therefore doesn't belong to the Magisterium of the Church, Mgr Bätzing reassures: "I have never heard him speak like this before, and I have often spoken with him personally about these issues."

Mgr. Bätzing presents Francis as a "door opener" who doesn't want to make any fundamental changes in doctrine himself.

In contrast, Bätzing believes that the current "culture" in the [German] Church "cannot be reversed", which is true because the Church in Germany is clinically dead and survives only on state church-taxes. Bätzing himself knows this because he asks the question "how much time is left for the Church in Germany".

He rightly attacks Francis because Francis constantly scolds the Curia and the clergy. It hurts Bätzing "physically" when Francis denounces clericalism: "He really hits out at it, which I can't really understand".

Bätzing goes on to attack Francis (again "irritated") because Francis has "repeatedly spoken somewhat disparagingly about parliamentarism in the context of synodality".

In his book, Bätzing writes why he rejects the Church's teaching on key issues such as homosexual sins and the priesthood: "For me, an evangelisation that goes so deep that it touches and shapes lives is inconceivable in our social context without gender justice, without a positive view of sexuality outside marriage [=sin], without a new appreciation for homosexual people".

Bätzing is a hypocrite, because "evangelisation" - with or without sexual sins - has been frowned upon and literally forbidden in the German Church since Vatican II.


Batzing is bat——t crazy.😠
Louis IX
Batzing has clearly founded his own religion. His paychecks should stop arriving.
Father Karl A Claver
Excommunicate this heretic NOW. He is leading souls to hell.
This is all “arranged.” Bätzing is sometimes allowed by Francis to speak “critically” of him. This gives the impression that Francis is tolerant of people who think “differently,” even if they are his allies. Bätzing does absolutely nothing if he does not feel he is covered by Francis.