De Profundis
You can't even spell the word "tatoo" without lousing it up. @Stronzo Santelli Skip the failed catechism lecture.
Charity----Is that important ?
Angelo Santelli
If the body, as the Church teaches, is a temple of the Holy Spirit TATOOS ARE A NO NO for the devout Catholic. The body is given to us as it is. and is not ours to disfigure. Mathathias tells us Christians supposedly marked their arms with the cross or the name of Jesus. If markings on the body are so fine why are we warned about THE MARK OF THE BEAST (Revelations 13:15-17)? Personally I could not …More
If the body, as the Church teaches, is a temple of the Holy Spirit TATOOS ARE A NO NO for the devout Catholic. The body is given to us as it is. and is not ours to disfigure. Mathathias tells us Christians supposedly marked their arms with the cross or the name of Jesus. If markings on the body are so fine why are we warned about THE MARK OF THE BEAST (Revelations 13:15-17)? Personally I could not care what the pagan Assyrians did or what Christians did in marking their bodies 2000 years ago. Our body is meant to be used as a temple of God, and no temple gets disfigured that is of God.
@Caroline03 We are not Jews. Christ fulfilled the Hebrews' covenant with God. Christians are not bound by Levitical prohibitions. Men can shave their faces, women can use cosmetics/ perfume (witness Christ's defense of the woman who annointed His feet). Everyone can eat pork and shellfish (all forbidden to Jews) So in this chapter of Leviticus...
We CAN (and do) gather up fallen ears of corn …More
@Caroline03 We are not Jews. Christ fulfilled the Hebrews' covenant with God. Christians are not bound by Levitical prohibitions. Men can shave their faces, women can use cosmetics/ perfume (witness Christ's defense of the woman who annointed His feet). Everyone can eat pork and shellfish (all forbidden to Jews) So in this chapter of Leviticus...

We CAN (and do) gather up fallen ears of corn and grapes. (Lev 19:9-10)

We CAN (and do) eat meat with blood in it. (Lev. 19:26)

Fun Trivia: UV is an expert in preparing shika or meka-zashi (buck or doe deer) and especially gyuzashi (beef). At my table, a few times each year, this latter delicacy is served within hours of being harvested by local cattlemen in the state.

To date, my crowning entertaining achievement was serving gyuzashi to guests still warm from the living animal, not more than half an hour earlier. Even the published sashimi connoisseur from Boston had to concede he'd never had the like, even in Japan.

Unlikely that he'll ever see this, but a special thanks to the "Fast 'n Furious" car-tuner Jake for breaking every traffic-law and land-speed record in NH history to make that happen.

Shika or meka-zashi is seasonal and depends on the skill of local hunters/ poachers. I've been able to secure kojika-zashi (fawn) only three times,,, ever. Usually around late May to June when they're born. Price per pound? Don't ask. Happy hunters... Happy UV guests... and worth every penny. It was tender, flavorful and .. soft. Soooo succulently soft.. The texture of the meat? My vocabulary is probably above average but fresh fawn was...literally indescribable. Veal is a poor analogue.

Last and most relevant to this subject, Christian CAN get tattoos (Lev. 19:29). In earlier times this was a popular "souvenir" Christian pilgrims got in Jerusalem, pic related.
3rd Order Postulant
But they gotta be white and not green
Leviticus 19:28
You must not make any cuts in your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.
and the Palestinian Targum of Leviticus 19 says.
And a corrupting incision for the soul of the dead thou shalt not make in thy flesh, neither set upon yourselves an inscription by the incutting of any figurated sign: I am the Lord.
The Targums are very interesting to …More
Leviticus 19:28

You must not make any cuts in your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

and the Palestinian Targum of Leviticus 19 says.

And a corrupting incision for the soul of the dead thou shalt not make in thy flesh, neither set upon yourselves an inscription by the incutting of any figurated sign: I am the Lord.

The Targums are very interesting to read, they are the Aramaic expanded version of the Old Testament. Interesting because it is easy to see the times that Christ (who John Chapter 1 calls the Divine " Word" ) makes His appearances in the Old Testament - It was actually "The Word" who punished Sodom and Gomorrah according to the Targums.
JCR - Comp. JPS, Targums Onkelos, Palestinian, Jerusalem - Genesis 19
De Profundis
Should be in a circle 😎