
Bang at the Synodal Way: “Ordination of Women" Off the Table

The members of the German Suicidal Way received on 26 August text proposals for five regional conferences, which will take place on 4 September in five German cities.

The working group on "women" promised to discuss the "biblical foundation" on the subject during the meeting, however, a draft already contains the finished text which claims that "Jesus has male and female disciples, doesn't ordain anyone."

This assertion represents a turning point and implies that the "consecration of women" which the Suicidla Way has been calling for vehemently, is off the table.

Nevertheless, "conservative" Regensburg Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer protested in a 2 September open letter trivialising that this statement "obscures" the sacraments while, in reality, it abolishes them.

Picture: © Pressefoto, SynodalerWeg.de CC BY, #newsZepslnwolw