
Cathedral Where German Synod Was Opened, Damaged

Storm “Sabine” (UK/NL: Ciara) which on Sunday night hit Germany bent a construction crane in Frankfurt and pushing it through the roof of the local cathedral.

Nobody was injured. In early February, the German Synodal/Suicidal Way was opened in this church.

Those understanding the signs of the times, speak of a beckon from God.


PS Due to the fact that the Islamic authorities asked assistance from Patriarch Kirill, they are indicating that they are aware of 3 things
a) They are aware that it is not the "Ark of Gabriel," that it is a JEWISH Ark, The Ark of Yahweh. That known to be called "The Ark of the Covenant.
b) They must be aware that to avoid offending the Lord, the Ark must only be touched by a validly ordained Temple …More
PS Due to the fact that the Islamic authorities asked assistance from Patriarch Kirill, they are indicating that they are aware of 3 things

a) They are aware that it is not the "Ark of Gabriel," that it is a JEWISH Ark, The Ark of Yahweh. That known to be called "The Ark of the Covenant.

b) They must be aware that to avoid offending the Lord, the Ark must only be touched by a validly ordained Temple Priest of the Hebrew God.

c) But they didn't go to the Jews, They approached Patriarch Kirill. Therefore, the Saudis clearly comprehend that the Old Testament Priesthood is extinct and has been transformed into a NEW Covenant Priesthood of Jesus Christ.

Despite pretending it is an Islamic item known as "The Ark of Gabriel"It is obvious they are bearing false witness and are fully aware that the Ark is nothing to do with Islam. They fear for their own safety and send for Yahweh's New High Priest, preferring the Orthodox Patriarch Kirill to Pope Francis.
The"Pope" clearly prefers Kirill to risk being in it's presence. 😀
This reminded me of the news a couple of years ago.... A similar event involving a Collapsed Crane .... It involved Plasmic explosions which toppled cranes, following the discovery of a box resembling the Ark of the Covenant. 😇
The site where the report states it has been discovered was in an area not too distant from Saba (the homestead of the Queen of Sheba) It was found "allegedly" under a …More
This reminded me of the news a couple of years ago.... A similar event involving a Collapsed Crane .... It involved Plasmic explosions which toppled cranes, following the discovery of a box resembling the Ark of the Covenant. 😇

The site where the report states it has been discovered was in an area not too distant from Saba (the homestead of the Queen of Sheba) It was found "allegedly" under a Mosque .

I don't know if it is discovered. but,, what a bizarre report! Whether true of not, from the description given, it seems to describe the Biblical Ark of the Covenant, renamed as "The Ark of Gabriel" in a parody of the Biblical Ark.

"The alleged "Ark of Gabriel" is clearly just like the Ark of the Covenant as described in Scripture. It responded adversely to those who touched it without true Priestly Authority. Scripture says people were killed who brushed past it.

Thus even MORE of a coincidence, the news report documents that the equivalent of an Old Testament Priest, (namely Patriach Kirill 🤗 was requested by the Saudi authorities to help move it safely to Antartica without any further loss of saudi life. (I assume they judge him to have valid Priestly Orders) 👏 The whole tale is bizarre.! Since, it reports that after the Ark was discovered, (and apparently mishandled by construction workers employed to build a car-park), there were weird plasmic explosions, which toppled cranes at the location of the Mosque killing a huge number of people.

The news reports confirm that many people DID die when Cranes collapsed at this Muslim site, , that much did get reported. However, it was not reported through the media that it was due to the adverse reaction of the Ark of the Covenant being discovered first., and following that discovery, reacting in a deeply religious way, to being touched by those of the none Priestly class! Just like Scripture states.

www.biblegateway.com/passage/ (also www.biblegateway.com/passage/)

When they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah reached out and took hold of the ark of God, because the oxen stumbled. The Lord's anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act; therefore God struck him down and he died there beside the ark of God."

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill DID travel to Antartica, (There are photographs of him on the Internet surrounded by Penguins.) Also, he was reported to have met Francis at the same time! It's all very strange, but I'll share the Link. God Bless you everyone!

Not a coincidence
De Profundis
As Francis likes to say: the Holy Ghost bloweth where He willeth.
De Profundis
The Bishops will probably not connect the two events
Thors Catholic Hammer
Since the publication of the formal heresies by antipope Francis in Amoris laetitiae the roofs of three churches I know have been damaged /destroyed by accidental events.
Notre Dame Cathedral and the titular church of Cardinal Cocopalmerio being the other two.
When Pope Benedict made his failed/defective abdication speech the roof of St Peters was hit twice by lightening.
The roof of a church More
Since the publication of the formal heresies by antipope Francis in Amoris laetitiae the roofs of three churches I know have been damaged /destroyed by accidental events.
Notre Dame Cathedral and the titular church of Cardinal Cocopalmerio being the other two.
When Pope Benedict made his failed/defective abdication speech the roof of St Peters was hit twice by lightening.

The roof of a church symbolizes the protection afforded to the catholic faithful by their pope.
Under a formally heretical alleged pope the roofs of churches are now seen to be destroyed/damaged and it is time to remove this evil malevolent man before more roofs are destroyed.
Summary, A week after the first synodal assembly of the German bishops in Frankfurt, the storm Sabine blew part of a crane onto the roof of Frankfurt Cathedral.
Probably a "refugee" diversity hire was operating it.