
German Bishop: “We Are Not Revolutionaries, We Want to Overcome the Crisis”

The only opinion shared at the Synodal/Suicidal Way is that “there is a crisis,” Bamberg Archbishop Ludwig Schick, 71, told Avvenire.it (February 2) the anti-Catholic daily of the Italian Bishops.

Schick identifies two Synod parties: those wanting to overcome the crisis with a renewal of the Church and those wanting to change the Church by using schemes that according to Schicks explanations copy the Anglican model.

He comments: "Right now I don't know how we can get out of this situation." He fears that there will be "more division and more frustration."

Decisions that cannot be implemented by the bishops alone will be forwarded to Francis, Schick explains, anticipating that there may be requests that can only be decided by an Ecumenical Council. However, he cannot imagine a Council at which “only bishops” would participate.

Schick insists that the Synod members are not revolutionaries but search for a way of the Church into the future without planning a schism. But he adds,

"Sometimes, to be honest, I fear a schism, but then hope returns again."

Picture: Ludwig Schick, © Drujo, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsFkrzzuhzox

Vatii in action, need I say more
They are part of the crisis. This picture is an abomination. Very stupid wicked people.
la verdad prevalece
These German apostates are a schismatic sect that is in full communion with the heresiarch Bergoglio.
Female "priests", imams, rabbis... everything wrong with German Catholic Church in one picture.
If you remained faithful to Our Lord - you would not have a crisis.
He demands Virtue, celibacy and fidelity to the eternal Truths of the Church. Whilst you ape the world and demean His Priesthood by your worldly attitudes - and insist that His ways are passe, and that you are somehow more likely to create a better Church if you throw out all His Traditions and rework them in your own image, History …More
If you remained faithful to Our Lord - you would not have a crisis.
He demands Virtue, celibacy and fidelity to the eternal Truths of the Church. Whilst you ape the world and demean His Priesthood by your worldly attitudes - and insist that His ways are passe, and that you are somehow more likely to create a better Church if you throw out all His Traditions and rework them in your own image, History PROVES that Christ is not likely to grant you Vocations. Why would He? He loves souls too much to enter them into His Seminaries so that they might be corrupted, paganised and on many occasions violated. He demands a return to Celibacy, and for you to value Him enough to abide in it.

There are no shortage of Vocations in the Traditional Orders. People who love Christ grant Him floral Tributes, Embroidered Vestments, Holier Sacraments. A man in love showers his Beloved with devotion, and strives to please the object of His love. He places His Bride on a pedestal and sings her praises to all and sundry. In his love he becomes purified, holier, the deeper his love, the greater will be her love for him. Filth, sin, nuptial adultery, fornication and forsaken virtue will kill what is remaining of his beloved's love stone dead. With a heart of ICE - she will turn him away.

Study the life of this Mystic. Blessed Elena Aiello. She bore the Stigmata, and suffered MUCH for the sins of the future apostate Priesthood. Such as YOU claim now to be.

When she wanted to open a home for poor children. St Therese met her on a bus and pointed out a house that would be a cheap rental..
When Blessed Elena had not got enough money. She PRAYED and a lot of money fell out of her Bible.

Our Lord sent Mussolini a letter through her. It can be read at this link....

So is: If you remained faithful to Our Lord - you would not have a crisis.
Wolves are devouring the sheep.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Thors Catholic Hammer
Archbishop Ludwig Schick IS JUST ANOTHER DECEIVED AND DELUDED CATHOLIC blinded by the clever lies and poisonous heresies promoted by antipope Francis.
Any so called crisis in the catholic church is caused and emanates entirely from that manMore
Archbishop Ludwig Schick IS JUST ANOTHER DECEIVED AND DELUDED CATHOLIC blinded by the clever lies and poisonous heresies promoted by antipope Francis.

Any so called crisis in the catholic church is caused and emanates entirely from that man
A mockery
Unfortunate red arm. :):):)