
A Sign From God Moved Francis' Critic to Act

Capuchin Father Thomas Weinandy was moved by a “sign of God” to publish his sharp criticism of Pope Francis, he explained in an article on Sandro Magister’s blog.

While being earlier this year in Rome and mulling over whether he should write his criticism he asked God for a sign: God should send him during the next morning somebody he had not seen in a very long time, whom he would never expect to see in Rome at this time and who was not from the United States, Canada or Great Britain. Further, this person should say to him, ‘Keep up the good writing’.

The next morning Father Weinandy went to pray in two Roman churches and then met a seminarian for lunch in a street restaurant. At this point the sign he had asked for, was no longer in the forefront of his mind. The two were sitting outside. Towards the end of the meal an archbishop appeared between two parked cars in front of their table. Weinandy had not seen him for at least twenty years.

The two recognized one another immediately. Because of the archbishop’s recent personal circumstances, Weinandy would never have expected to see him in Rome or anywhere else, other than in his own archdiocese.

After a short conversation, the archbishop said to Weinandy, “Keep up the good writing.”

Picture: © Democracy Chronicles, CC BY, #newsUkvubctzvv
Caroline03 and one more user link to this post
Hello Bendecido
Since he told Francis " that he is causing "chronic confusion," appointing bishops who "scandalize" the faithful, "demeaning" the importance of doctrine, and prompting ordinary Catholics to "lose confidence in their supreme shepherd." I doubt it was written under the inspiration of a spirit of anathema. It is 100% TRUE.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Another priest, Fr Brad Sweet, on Thomas Weinandy "who dared to criticise Amoris Laetitia, wrote to Pope + got fired. The loving + merciful face of USCCB
All possibilities.
1-It really happened.
1-a-It came from God.
1-a-1 God agrees and wants him to publish
1-a-2 God doesn't agree, however, he should be able to publish without others judging
1-a-3 God doesn't care, however, he should be able to publish without others judging.
1-b-It came from the devil.
2-he made it up and picked up the name of God for a vain thing to use God to …More
All possibilities.
1-It really happened.
1-a-It came from God.
1-a-1 God agrees and wants him to publish
1-a-2 God doesn't agree, however, he should be able to publish without others judging
1-a-3 God doesn't care, however, he should be able to publish without others judging.
1-b-It came from the devil.

2-he made it up and picked up the name of God for a vain thing to use God to justify himself

Of course, we expect from 1-a-1 that the point God makes is that we should read the story. If the truth is described by point 2 then we should think that the guy is a wimp. However, because we don't know, we should not judge in public and you should have faith in what you hear and see. Take your stance no problem. Whenever you judge you should give a reason. "Why has he spoken in the name of the Lord", is a valid question. The phrase "It is a presumption to consider it is a sign from God" is a presumption.
However at 1-a-2 or 1-a-3 the point God would make is that by us judging this writer, we judge ourselves. God likes free speech and dialogue. (my presumption). because it takes us further (reason for my presumption). However, because people judge easily based on prejudices, free speech causes quarrels and schism. (may be the reason why it is safe to presume he made it up).
Listening to Lisi and some others as witnesses of faith, I believe it was not 1-b-1 nor 1-c, even less so 2.
Dr Bobus
It is presumption to consider it a sign from God
Lisi Sterndorfer
I have read this account multiple times, and every time I read about the sign Fr. Thomas requested, I get the chills
Weinandy has been fired - by the church that always condemns excluding and marginalizing people
@Lisi Sterndorfer "... who loves the Church"
He just sacrificed himself for her.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Another credible voice: Fr. Pius Pietrzyk OP "I had Fr. Weinandy as a theology professor. One of the kindest, most level-headed people I know. This is quite something coming from him."
Lisi Sterndorfer
Fr Thomas Berg "I've collaborated on several occasions w/ Fr. Tom Weinandy. An exceedingly prudent theologian who loves the Church"
One more comment from Lisi Sterndorfer
Lisi Sterndorfer
Weinandy’s resignation illustrates the nature of constructive discussion in Church (kicked out immediately)
Deakon Nick Donnelly witnesses on twitter: "I was taught by Fr Weinandy and I trust his word about this dramatic sign from the Holy Spirit."