
John Paul II: How Did a Homosexual Predator Become a Bishop?

A Vatican investigation into retired Broome Bishop Christopher Saunders, 73, found he had probably homosexually abused four men and may have groomed another 67. The 200-page report, completed in April …More
A Vatican investigation into retired Broome Bishop Christopher Saunders, 73, found he had probably homosexually abused four men and may have groomed another 67. The 200-page report, completed in April was handed over to 7News.com.au (September 18).
Prosecutors decided in May 2021 not to charge Saunders, who spent AUD100,000s from church and charity funds on young men. His homosexual activities began up to 50 years ago.
The inquiry heard from more than 100 witnesses. Some described Saunders as "a homosexual predator". John Paul II made him a bishop in 1995, when Saunders was 45.
Pope Saint John Paul the Great wasn’t the first Supreme Pontiff to appoint a sodomite to the episcopacy of Holy Mother Church, and he certainly hasn’t been, nor will he be, the last. Depraved men have been raised to positions of leadership throughout the millennia since the very beginning of the Church, when the Lord Himself called Judas, whom Satan would personally possess, as one of His Apostles …More
Pope Saint John Paul the Great wasn’t the first Supreme Pontiff to appoint a sodomite to the episcopacy of Holy Mother Church, and he certainly hasn’t been, nor will he be, the last. Depraved men have been raised to positions of leadership throughout the millennia since the very beginning of the Church, when the Lord Himself called Judas, whom Satan would personally possess, as one of His Apostles. This isn’t a new or unexpected phenomena. It is, however, another among the multitude of enormously grave and urgent reasons of this age that must drive us on to greater levels of sacrifice in earnest and fervent fasting and prayer. May God, in His unsearchable mercy, see fit to deliver us.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It all started with Paul VI.
Michael Matthew Speyrer
I’m sure that explains all the abuse cases that stated in the 40’s.
John A Cassani
JPII appointed plenty of predators. He appointed Hans-Hermann Groer to Vienna in 1986, who ended up having a huge number of accusations levied against him, and who relinquished all privileges of being a Cardinal in 1998. The rot has been known for a very long time, but there is still no will to remove it.
Sandy Barrett
Who made Jorge a bishop?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
John Paul II did. Like he did McCarrick too, and Bergoglio. I'm always amazed by the rot of the Church during the reign of John Paul II, and some people still call him "the Great". He was definitly good in some things, but I'm lead to believe that when it came to administrative checks, oversight, and paperwork, John Paul II couldn't have cared less, and let some homo holdovers from the times of Paul …More
John Paul II did. Like he did McCarrick too, and Bergoglio. I'm always amazed by the rot of the Church during the reign of John Paul II, and some people still call him "the Great". He was definitly good in some things, but I'm lead to believe that when it came to administrative checks, oversight, and paperwork, John Paul II couldn't have cared less, and let some homo holdovers from the times of Paul VI in the Curia pick people like Saunders and JPII just rubber-stamped everything. He was much more interested in travel than doing his papal work.
Michael Matthew Speyrer
Which Pope St. John Paul isn’t responsible for. Yeah I’m sure he “couldn’t have cared less.” What color is the sky in the universe you live in?
That was my Bishop, hated the Latin Mass!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Most priests and/or bishops who turn out to be homos almost uniformly HATE the Roman Rite traditional Latin Mass. They much prefer the Novus Ordo, where they are the center of attention, and where they can have free reign to make up whatever they want. Dancing around the altar etc. would be impossible with the traditional Roman Rite.