
“We Are All at War” – Cardinal Sarah

Cardinal Robert Sarah, 77, gave a November 27 interview with EWTN’s Vatican program.

• “Religious liberty is under threat in the West, too.”

• “Threats against religious liberty take many forms.”

• Sarah criticised the wide acceptance of “draconian restrictions” on Mass attendance during Covid.

• “A Christian life must be built on three pillars: crux [cross], hostia [Sacrament of the Altar], and virgo [virgin].”

• “Liturgy must be beautiful, it must be sacred, and it must be silent.”

• “We all live as if God doesn’t exist. Confusion reigns everywhere.”

• “The Church has a divine purpose: to save the world.”

• “When Christians forget why they are Christian, the community must fall into decline.”

• “Spiritual warfare is much the same as it has ever been, even if many bishops and priests have ceased to remind Catholics of its reality.”

• “We are all at war whether we recognize it or not.”

Picture: Robert Sarah © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsFdhfssnfte

'Religious liberty' is not a thing. It's a ruse designed to destroy the Church in the first place.
Religious Liberty was coined by Vatican II for an excuse to seperate Church and State. Example Abortion legalised in supposed Catholic Nations like Ecuador.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The end of Francis hopefully will be the end of many problems. The the Sankt Gallen Mafia of radical liberal Cardinals who inside and outside the conclave of 2013 pushed for Bergoglio sure knew what they were doing, and got their way. Will the good conservative Cardinals plan like the Mafia did and put a good Pope in? Of course not. All cowards like Benedict XVI. THen if the Church is unlucky enough …More
The end of Francis hopefully will be the end of many problems. The the Sankt Gallen Mafia of radical liberal Cardinals who inside and outside the conclave of 2013 pushed for Bergoglio sure knew what they were doing, and got their way. Will the good conservative Cardinals plan like the Mafia did and put a good Pope in? Of course not. All cowards like Benedict XVI. THen if the Church is unlucky enough to see another Bergoglio in office, people like Burke and Sarah, Muller, Eijk, Erdo and others will moan and whine and cry and complain all over again....but as usuall did nothing to stop that result.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori so do you think Bergoglio will much staying longer in Papacy??? if you think yes...huge sorrow....hmm...I really hope....Eminence Cardinal Duka(Former Archbishop of Praha, Czech) get to retrie...Bergoglio will finish....and if no this time....lately..I really hope my former Archbishop...Archbishop of Seoul...before Cardinal Andrew turns 80(December 5 birthday)...Bergoglio time's …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori so do you think Bergoglio will much staying longer in Papacy??? if you think yes...huge sorrow....hmm...I really hope....Eminence Cardinal Duka(Former Archbishop of Praha, Czech) get to retrie...Bergoglio will finish....and if no this time....lately..I really hope my former Archbishop...Archbishop of Seoul...before Cardinal Andrew turns 80(December 5 birthday)...Bergoglio time's gone...if..if this time Bergoglio not finish...hmm....I think we preparing to Underground Church time....I am sure...if Bergoglio much staying longer...Holy Catholic church totally Gone!! totally difference than like Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI's Church too!!! Bergoglio make Catholic church to SJW, PC, Globalist's Church..I can't thinking it....I always pray to the Lord..please send to us Orthodox Pope...fast time...We can't see the this horrible old man...Holy Ghost..please help to us...much pray..but these day...so hard....I know..Lord's light must win....but going to victory...very hard....even though I have so many sins..many faults...but I much pray..I follow to Martyrs way too....if...if...Bergoglio will much staying longer...so Holy Church changing...we are going to underground Church..and pray with some Orthodox Cardinals,Bishops...like Cardinal Muller, Eijk, Sarah, Erdo, Burke.....very sorrow....many talking sorry..but I am very angry Bergoglio will much staying longer to Papacy.....really hope many Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops are saying loudly.....stop to this Crazy Old Man's Actions...I remember...your opinion....you said...Many Cardinals, Bishops are worry about Bergoglio....but I think now so silence...this time..silence agree with Bergoglio....we need to Actions...many talking sorry...God bless always you and all your family..Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen....
Salvatore Bastatti
Problem I have with Sarah is his silence on the abuses of Jorge Bergoglio.
August 7, 1904
The first to persecute the Church will be the religious.
As I was in my usual state, I found myself surrounded by Angels and Saints, who said to me: “It is necessary that you suffer more for the imminent things that are about to happen against the Church, for if they do not come about imminently, time will make them happen in a milder way and with lesser offense to God.” And I said …More
August 7, 1904
The first to persecute the Church will be the religious.
As I was in my usual state, I found myself surrounded by Angels and Saints, who said to me: “It is necessary that you suffer more for the imminent things that are about to happen against the Church, for if they do not come about imminently, time will make them happen in a milder way and with lesser offense to God.” And I said: ‘Is suffering perhaps in my power? If the Lord gives it to me, I will gladly suffer.’ Meanwhile, they took me and brought me before the throne of Our Lord, and they prayed together that He would make me suffer; and blessed Jesus, coming toward us in the form of the Crucified, shared His pains with me – not only once, but I spent almost all morning amid continuous renewals of the crucifixion. Afterwards, He said to me: “My daughter, sufferings divert my just indignation, and the light of grace is renewed in human minds. Ah, daughter, do you think that it will be the secular who will be the first to persecute my Church? Ah, no, it will be the religious, the very leaders who, pretending now to be sons, shepherds, while in reality they are poisonous snakes that poison themselves and others, will begin among themselves to lacerate this good mother; and then the secular will follow.” Then, as obedience called me, the Lord withdrew, but all embittered.

Tony M
Our biggest enemies in this war are not outside the Church ....but operating within it.....and these heretical, masonic enemies have a leader by the name of Jorge Mario Bergoglio!!!!
It is time Cardinal Sarah identified Bergoglio as being the worst enemy of all!!!
De Profundis
1. Liturgy is not silent. It is sung - and smell and bells.
2. The Church doesn't save "the world" - but souls chosen by God.
Dr Bobus
It's not necessary to point fingers at the pope. Cardinals and bishops merely can point out the problems