1 lipca br. podczas Mszy Św. w Katedrze Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres w São Paulo, kobieta przyjmuje Eucharystię, nie spożywa jej, tylko odchodzi. Obecny diakon interweniuje i kobieta spożywa Ciało …Więcej
1 lipca br. podczas Mszy Św. w Katedrze Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres w São Paulo, kobieta przyjmuje Eucharystię, nie spożywa jej, tylko odchodzi. Obecny diakon interweniuje i kobieta spożywa Ciało Chrystusa, jak mało brakowało!
Pima della pandemia, senza esagerare c'era un 35 - 40% di fedeli che prendevano la comunione sulla lingua. Con la pandemia in atto e le nuove disposizioni emanate dalla Santa Sede per prevenire i contagi, era stato disposto che la particola venisse posta nelle mani. Oggi che siamo fuori dalla pandemia, è impressionante vedere che soltanto il 2% riceve la comunione sulla lingua.
Darum NUR Mundkommunion und kniend !!!!!!!!! Kann vieles solches verhindern
Sacerdoti, dove siete?
In der Tradition
De Profundis udostępnia to
Woman tries to steal Hand Communion from Bishop - Deacon forces her to consume the Eucharist
I don't see where she is made to consume Holy Communion, but am glad to know that someone did so. Consider the grace she was given at that moment! She was clearly up to something less than good and she was not only prevented, but she also received The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus which will with save her or condemn her based upon what occurred in her soul at that moment. Did she repent?…Więcej
I don't see where she is made to consume Holy Communion, but am glad to know that someone did so. Consider the grace she was given at that moment! She was clearly up to something less than good and she was not only prevented, but she also received The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus which will with save her or condemn her based upon what occurred in her soul at that moment. Did she repent? She did harden her heart? So many are afraid to speak up in these moments, but that deacon, in protecting Our Lord from desecration, also helped to potentially save this woman's soul. A very good meditation.
Denis Efimov
Just stop giving the Body of Christ in hands, and sacrilegious defilements will become many times less.
Fernanda Dellucci udostępnia to
Il 1° luglio di quest'anno, una donna riceve l'Eucaristia durante la Messa nella Cattedrale di Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres a San Paolo, ma non la consuma, bensì si allontana. Il diacono presente interviene.
Lisi Sterndorfer udostępnia to
Am 1. Juli dieses Jahres empfängt eine Frau während der Messe in der Kathedrale Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres in São Paulo die Eucharistie, konsumiert sie aber nicht, sondern geht weg. Der anwesende Diakon greift ein.
wyrazne naduzycie liturgiczne - brak mnistrantow z patenami