
Will German Money Make the "Pope of the Poor" Abolish Celibacy?

“Perhaps we’ll soon have more married priests,” Thomas Sternberg told DomRadio.de (March 10). According to him "a lot has changed" in the Vatican. Sternberg is the president of the anti-Catholic More
“Perhaps we’ll soon have more married priests,” Thomas Sternberg told DomRadio.de (March 10). According to him "a lot has changed" in the Vatican.
Sternberg is the president of the anti-Catholic Central Committee of German Catholics, a body of lay representatives, officially recognized by the bishops, that in 2015 voted in favor of blessing gay pseudo-marriages.
The group pushes for introducing into the Catholic Church the same novelties that have brought destruction upon the Protestant State churches.
Now, a "source close to the German hierarchy" told Edward Pentin (NCRegister.com, March 11) that Sternberg's comments seal the outcome of the Amazon synod, “After the synod we will have married priests.”
The source explains this with the "influence" of the German Church [especially in terms of money].
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsOaowslhysm
You still have doubts? Wait for it......It will happen until the faithful wake up. Will Jesus find any faith when he returns? That is the question.
God is not sleeping ,are you ?????
The attacks on our church are coming from hundreds of angles...Theses devils have stuck thier knifes into the back of the church. Like a wounded bear the church is bleeding but in one single strike, all the hyenas will be killed!!!
The church militant will always win in the end!!! Without us there is no them...More
The attacks on our church are coming from hundreds of angles...Theses devils have stuck thier knifes into the back of the church. Like a wounded bear the church is bleeding but in one single strike, all the hyenas will be killed!!!

The church militant will always win in the end!!! Without us there is no them...