
Bishop Charged with Homosex "Rape" - Astonished At "Slanderous Allegations"

La Rochelle Bishop Georges Colomb, 70, was charged on November 17 with “attempted rape” in 2013 when he was the superior general of the not very Catholic Société des Missions Etrangères in Paris. He …More
La Rochelle Bishop Georges Colomb, 70, was charged on November 17 with “attempted rape” in 2013 when he was the superior general of the not very Catholic Société des Missions Etrangères in Paris.
He was appointed bishop in 2016 and has been on leave since June. The male complainant was 40 (!) years old at the time while Colomb was 60, which raises many practical questions and doubts.
Colomb has expressed his "astonishment and incomprehension at these slanderous allegations". It is likely that the plaintiff will play the “vulnerable adult” game in court and is looking to get as much money as possible from the Church.
Picture: Georges Colomb, © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsRcrghdjytk
Jan Joseph
Niets aan de hand, er heeft weer iemand met een rijke fantasie geld nodig.
More than likely two fags in a long term relationship, and after a falling out, the younger 40 year old decides to press charges and sue for big bucks.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Not necessarily. I was a member of my college (10 years ago) swim team, and also the football team. A priest ( a Jesuit....what a surprise), who usually went to ALL the teah home games for swimming, football or basketball apparently saw me, and tried to make sexual advances at me in the reference room of our university library. Apparently he had stalked me, because I was helping an art history …More
Not necessarily. I was a member of my college (10 years ago) swim team, and also the football team. A priest ( a Jesuit....what a surprise), who usually went to ALL the teah home games for swimming, football or basketball apparently saw me, and tried to make sexual advances at me in the reference room of our university library. Apparently he had stalked me, because I was helping an art history professor on a project, and no students would really have any interest in the reference/ archival rooms. I shoved him off and used loud profanity to get him to back off (I don't care that he was a priest). I was 19, he was around 40 also. But 19 is old enough for it still to not be consensual...which it was not. I reported it to the librarian on the front desk, who of course, didn't believe me and did nothing. After that, I made it a point never to go anywhere that priest was going to be. If I saw him in a distance, I went the other way. Thankfully, I didn't have him as a professor for any of my classes. He taught Metaphysics, and scholastic philosophy, which Ihad no reason/interest to take anyway. 🤪
That's the point, a heterosexual male would fend off the advances of an older gay priest, and never go around them again. However, in a lot of these abuse cases, both parties were homosexual and had engaged in an ongoing relationship. Years later many of the older gay men began to file charges and jump on the scandal train. I'm not blaming the victims who were teenagers at the time. Even being …More
That's the point, a heterosexual male would fend off the advances of an older gay priest, and never go around them again. However, in a lot of these abuse cases, both parties were homosexual and had engaged in an ongoing relationship. Years later many of the older gay men began to file charges and jump on the scandal train. I'm not blaming the victims who were teenagers at the time. Even being homosexual (the teenager), the older adult homosexual priest should still have never propositioned them, or if it was the other way around, if the teen propositioned the priest, the priest should have exercised self control and said no.
Don’t give the so-called 40-year old “victim” a dime…not a single, solitary penny. At that age any perversion that occurred between the two of them was purely consensual. And if it’s true that they consorted together in vile abominable acts, then laicize the Bishop and remand him to prayer, penance and silence in the Chapter House of a contemplative Order located on a distant, obscure mountain …More
Don’t give the so-called 40-year old “victim” a dime…not a single, solitary penny. At that age any perversion that occurred between the two of them was purely consensual. And if it’s true that they consorted together in vile abominable acts, then laicize the Bishop and remand him to prayer, penance and silence in the Chapter House of a contemplative Order located on a distant, obscure mountain somewhere, for the remainder of his life.